
Photo (Paderborn University): Experts have developed tools that can recognise and remove vulnerabilities in open source applications.

Re­search pro­ject to pro­tect against vul­n­er­­­ab­il­it­ies in freely ac­­cess­ible soft­ware pro­­duces two tools

Freely accessible computer programmes that users are allowed to download, modify and distribute - this is what so-called "open source software" is all about. Developers make use of this to obtain individual software modules for new applications from a database instead of developing them themselves from scratch. The problem is that vulnerabilities repeatedly occur in the freely accessible content, which increases the risk of malware. In order to…

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f.l.t.r. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kühn, Prof. Dr. René Fahr, Dr.-Ing. Nadine Niewöhner, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roman Dumitrescu, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Gausemeier, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ansgar Trächtler

We con­grat­u­late Nad­ine Niewöh­ner on her doc­tor­ate

Nadine Niewöhner successfully completed her doctorate on the topic of "Systematics for the design of ambidextrous innovation management" with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roman Dumitrescu. Summary: Increasingly, economic, social, political and above all technological transformations offer new potential for innovation. These are increasingly turning entire industries upside down and have an important influence on innovation. To remain competitive in the long…

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WDR 2 Christ­mas mir­acle winter bar­be­cue at the HNI

Yesterday, a Christmas barbecue was held behind the HNI as part of the WDR 2 Christmas Miracle to collect donations. We would like to thank you for coming and hope you enjoyed it! Special thanks go to the "Product Creation" workgroup led by Prof Iris Gräßler for their efforts. As you may have already heard, this year the WDR 2 Christmas Miracle will take place from 14 - 18 December 2024 in front of the Paderborn Cathedral, where donations will…

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f.l.t.r. Dr Matthias Fischer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. phil. Dr rer. soc. Carsten Röcker, Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Eckertz, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roman Dumitrescu, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Juraj Somorovsky, Dr.-Ing. Harald Anacker

We con­grat­u­late Daniel Eck­ertz on his doc­tor­ate

Daniel Eckertz successfully completed his doctorate on the topic of "Tools for planning and preparing augmented reality-based validation in product development". Summary: The increasing individualization of products in combination with the time and cost pressure on global markets leads to new challenges for product development. For successful product development, an early and continuous validation with the customers is of enormous importance.…

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The Product Cre­ation work­group pro­motes cross-uni­ver­sity ex­change at the WiGeP As­sist­ant Meet­ing 2024

Young research assistants in product engineering from different universities exchange ideas - for this purpose, this year's assistant meeting of the WiGeP group “Virtual Product Engineering (VPE)” took place in Kaiserslautern. At the chair of Prof. Jens Göbel at the RPTU, current research priorities were discussed at the event. Through the cross-university exchange, potentials for the improvement of teaching and research were considered. In a…

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Jens Pittebaum and Iris Gräßler

Lec­ture series on sus­tain­able product de­vel­op­ment

What do race cars have to do with sustainability? With this question, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Iris Gräßler and Dr.-Ing. Jens Pottebaum from the workgroup of Product Creation at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute started their contribution to the lecture series “UPB for Future”. They provided exciting insights into the engineering of recyclable products as the key to a sustainable future. The outstanding influence that engineers have on the sustainability of a…

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Photo (Paderborn University): Vijayalakshmi Shroff is a member of the "MINTS" project group.

Highly accurate, ultra-fast and energy-efficient data handling is essential in many applications, such as in communication systems, artificial intelligence or when working with precision measurement devices. The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) has now extended funding for the “MINTS” project (MLL-based Integrated THz Frequency Synthesizer) for a further three years with a funding sum of around 415,000 euros. In…

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"Product Cre­ation" work­group wel­comes two new em­ploy­ees

Felix Vollenkemper (left) and Thomas Hesse (right) joined the Chair for Product Creation on October 1st. As part of DFG Priority Program 2443, they are researching the development of recyclable and therefore sustainable products, considering the capabilities of humans and machines. The focus of the two new employees is on the “Design for Capabilities” (DeCap) project and the coordination project belonging to the priority program. We look forward…

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Symbolic image (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi)

"Product Cre­ation" work­group starts in­to new EU pro­ject Di­gi4­Cir­cu­lar

Can the use of recycled aluminum reduce a product's CO2 emissions by as much as 85 percent? The new EU project Digi4Circular is starting out ambitiously: the consortium is developing a digital platform that transfers all data across lifecycles into product engineering. The aim is to create optimized concepts for circular economy and manufacturing processes. The goal is to minimize waste and maximize resource utilization. “Digi4Circular” is…

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Re­in­force­ment for our "Ad­vanced Sys­tems En­gin­eer­ing" work­group

We are pleased to welcome Mahmoud Bazzal as a new research associate in our Advanced Systems Engineering group. His focus is on AI-supported consistency analysis of system models in the automotive industry. In addition to this thematic focus, Mahmoud was also able to gain some experience as a software engineer between his master's degree and his doctorate. In his spare time, he enjoys playing the guitar and hiking. Welcome Mahmoud!

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In­vit­a­tion to the lec­tures by Mr Aniruddhan Mur­ali & Mr Noble Saji Math­ews (Uni­ver­sity of Wa­ter­loo, Canada) on 07 Novem­ber

During the period of November 6th to November 29th, Mr. Aniruddhan Murali & Mr. Noble Saji Mathews from University of Waterloo, Canada, will visit us at the Secure Software Engineering group. You are all welcome to connect during their stay. As an opening, both will give brief presentations on November 7th, the abstracts of which you can find below. You are all invited to attend! Mr Aniruddhan Murali Room: F0.225 Title: FuzzSlice: Pruning…

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Mo­bil­ity sym­posi­um on the top­ic of "Mo­bil­ity in rur­al areas"

On November 6 and 7, 2024, a mobility symposium on the topic of “Mobility in rural areas” will take place in the Zukunftsmeile 2. The event is being organized by our Control Engineering and Mechatronics workgroup in collaboration with the SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn. You can expect exciting keynotes and practical insights into a wide range of innovations relating to mobility, digitalization and energy. The aim is to jointly…

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Symbolic image (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi)

Around 85 per cent less CO2 emissions possible The automotive sector produces around 14 per cent of global greenhouse emissions. In addition, considerable quantities of raw materials are consumed. A well-organised circular economy could make a significant contribution to improving resource management and minimising waste and scrap. To this end, Paderborn University and its partners have launched the ‘Digi4Circular’ project, which is developing a…

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Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Sherif from our ‘Data Science' workgroup will be attending the 'International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC)' in Baltimore, USA, from 11 to 15 November. The ISWC is the leading international forum for the semantic web / linked data community. It brings together researchers, practitioners and industry experts to discuss, drive and shape the future of semantic technologies. At the conference, Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Sherif will…

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Niklas Döhner

"Product Cre­ation" work­group con­tin­ues to grow

Our ‘Product Creation’ workgroup welcomes its new member Niklas Döhner. In his workgroup, he is working on the EU research project ‘CREXDATA’, which deals with the development of a data platform to support action planning and decision-making in critical situations using extreme data. Outside of work, he enjoys jogging and is involved in the voluntary fire brigade.  Welcome Niklas!

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