Behavioural Economic Engineering and Responsible Management

The success of an organisation depends largely on how employees behave in the face of constantly changing processes, standards and structures. Taking psychological and behavioural economic concepts into account, we examine human decision-making behaviour in various organisational and responsibility situations and develop incentive systems to change behaviour on this basis. The resulting questions are addressed using a broad spectrum of economic methods (theory, econometrics, behavioural experiments).

Va­can­cies in the work­group

Research assistant (m/f/d) in the field of technology acceptance

Successfully completed business or business-related university degree (Master's degree)| Salary group 13 TV-L| Independent management of the content and organizational implementation of the university's project work| Communication with project partners| Temporary for the duration of the doctoral procedure

To the job advert

Student assistant or research assistant with a Bachelor's degree (f/m/d) for IT tasks

Research and practical IT projects | strong programming skills | good knowledge of Microsoft and/or Linux server administration | 12 hours per week | 6-month fixed-term contract

To the job advert

Student assistant in the field of corporate start-up cooperation (venture clienting)

Familiarisation & preparation of current topics in the context of the management of Start-up cooperations with established companies | Participation in data collection and evaluation | Collaboration on publications and presentations | Preparation, implementation & evaluation of workshops | 8 and 12 hours per week (by arrangement)

To the job advert

„You can't be sustainable on your own. No individual, no company and no state can do it, only all of us can.”

Prof. Dr. René Fahr,
Head of the "Behavioral Economic Engineering and Responsible Management" workgroup at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute at Paderborn University

News from the workgroup


Dr. Pia Lün­stroth gives prac­tic­al lec­ture "Cor­por­ate gov­ernance and Man­age­ment Board re­mu­ner­a­tion"

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Por­trait of a sci­ent­ist: Thorben Scholz

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Prac­tic­al present­a­tion on the top­ic of "In­tern­al con­trol struc­tures"

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Sus­tain­ab­il­ity lec­ture "UPB for Fu­ture"

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Fach­gruppe Be­ha­vi­or­al Eco­nom­ic En­gin­eer­ing and Re­spons­ible Man­age­ment bekom­mt Ver­stärkung

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Fach­gruppe Be­ha­vi­or­al Eco­nom­ic En­gin­eer­ing and Re­spons­ible Man­age­ment wächst weit­er

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Jahresta­gung der Gesell­schaft für ex­per­i­mentelle Wirtschafts­forschung (GfeW)

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3. For­um Wirtschaft­sethik – "Ver­drängt die öko­lo­gis­che Frage die soziale Frage in Un­terneh­men?"

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More news

Team, pub­lic­a­tions, bach­el­or/mas­ter theses


Bach­el­or's and Mas­ter's theses

Re­search, teach­ing, pro­jects


We conduct research in the fields of behavioural ethics, experimental economic research and personnel economics, among others. These topics not only cover a broad spectrum of Paderborn's economic sciences, but also emerge in current discussions in society.

Research topics


We are intensively involved in teaching and training students and young academics such as doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers and junior professors with the aim of providing them with the skills they need to shape the future.



We can provide companies with significant impetus for innovation and for maintaining their competitiveness. There are many approaches to this. They range from the placement of graduates through collaborative projects to contract developments, which we generally carry out via our spin-offs.

Project overview

BaER-Lab - Busi­ness and Eco­nom­ic Re­search Labor­at­ory

The BaER-Lab stands for "Business and Economic Research Laboratory" and is the experimental laboratory of the Faculty of Economics at Paderborn University for researching economic issues. In a laboratory experiment, the registered participants make decisions on the computer within 1 to 2 hours in the context of a clearly defined specific economic situation. The BaER-Lab was officially opened in April 2009 and, with its 35 modern networked computer workstations, is one of the largest economic science experimental laboratories in Germany.

„I wanted to move away from the never-ending drive for exponential economic growth and focus on ourselves and the world we live in.”

Thorben Scholz,
Scientists from the “Behavioral Economic Engineering and Responsible Management” workgroup at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute at Paderborn University from Paderborn


oikos Paderborn - Students for Sustainable Economics and Management

The specialist group has been cooperating with the oikos Paderborn student initiative since 2012. The local group of a worldwide network is committed to anchoring the topic of sustainability in the thoughts and actions of students as decision-makers of the future.

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Faculty of Theology Paderborn

The Paderborn Faculty of Theology and Paderborn University have been cooperating since 2013 with the aim of deepening the discussion of financial and economic ethics issues against the background of Christian social teaching.

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PwC is the leading auditing and consulting firm in Germany.

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Foundation Economy for the Common Good NRW: Cooperation in the seminar "Applied Economy for the Comm

The aim of the NRW Economy for the Common Good Foundation is to initiate projects in North Rhine-Westphalia with the help of the Economy for the Common Good (ECG) that strengthen all three pillars of sustainability: People, the environment and the economy. To this end, we establish co-operative structures and support projects related to the ECG.

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Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG

Smart Industrial Connectivity: Electrification, automation, digitalisation, electrical connection technology, electromobility and renewable energies - markets in which Weidmüller is at home. Founded in 1850, the family-owned company is represented in over 80 countries with production facilities and sales companies.

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Fraunhofer Institute for Mechatronics Design IEM

What will the engineering of the future look like? The Fraunhofer IEM in Paderborn develops convincing solutions to this question - from the business idea to its realisation and market success. The focus is on intelligent products, production systems, services and software applications.

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People all over the world use means of transport and technologies that have been developed, tested and validated with dSPACE solutions as a matter of course. As a global technology leader for simulation and validation solutions, dSPACE is a partner along the entire innovation chain, from the initial idea through to series production.

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Miele & Cie. KG

Protecting people and the environment, doing business responsibly, even for future generations. That is what sustainability means to us. More precisely: energy efficiency and resource conservation in products and production as well as responsibility for employees and society.

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WAGO GmbH & Co. KG

With every small step that leads to more reliable results through power and data flows, WAGO comes a step closer to its vision: to be the backbone of a sustainable and intelligently networked world.

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Paderborn district

The specialist group works closely with the Paderborn district.

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Paderborn/Lippstadt Airport GmbH

Paderborn-Lippstadt Airport is the home port for holiday and business travellers from East Westphalia-Lippe and the neighbouring regions of Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony.

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Aerosoft GmbH Aviation Data Technology

Aerosoft, a brand for people who want to realise their dreams of flying, driving and exploring through games on PC or console. Since 1991, Aerosoft has stood for independence, adventure and freedom - and the goal of discovering the world.

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Business Ethics Forum

The Business Ethics Forum takes place on an annually changing business ethics topic. Paderborn University and the Paderborn Faculty of Theology have been cooperating in the field of business ethics since 2013.

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