
The "Behavioural Economic Engineering & Responsible Management" specialist group conducts research in the fields of behavioural ethics, experimental economic research and personnel economics, among others. These topics not only cover a broad spectrum of Paderborn's economic sciences, but also emerge in current discussions in society.

Our research issues include compliance, ethical corporate decisions, sustainable corporate management, responsibility in the digitalised society and human-machine interaction. We conduct research on a wide variety of projects and our chair is responsible for the scientific and organisational management of the BaER-Lab, the experimental research laboratory of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

Cor­por­ate Gov­ernance - Stra­tegic Lead­er­ship

In a broad definition, corporate governance generally refers to the institution of institutions and the organisation and control of corporate management in such a way that the welfare of other individuals and institutions with an interest in the continued existence of the company (e.g. employees, local authorities) is safeguarded. Our research and teaching work is based on business ethics as well as personnel, organisational and behavioural economics. Depending on the research question and the information available, various types of data are analysed, including data from our in-house economics experimental laboratory BaER-Lab.

Fahr, R. and Sunde, U.. (2009): "Gender Differentials in Skill Use and Skill Formation in the Aftermath of Vocational Training”, Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 16, pp. 885-889.

Djawadi, B.M., Fahr, R. and Turk, F. (2014):  "Conceptual Model and Economic Experiments to Explain Nonpersistence and Enable Mechanism Designs Fosterin Behavioral Change", In: Value in Health, Vol. 17 (8), pp. 814-822.

Stoermer, S. and Fahr, R. (2013):  "Individual Determinants of Work Attendance: Evidence on the Role of Personality", Applied Economics, Vol. 45(19).

Fahr, R. and Irlenbusch. B. (2011):  "Who Follows the Crowd - Groups or Individuals?”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 80, pp. 200-209.

Fahr, R. (2011): "Job Design and Job Satisfaction - Empirical Evidence for Germany”, Management Review, Vol. 22 (1), pp. 28-46.

Fahr, R. and Sunde, U.. (2009):  "Did the Hartz Reforms Speed-Up the Matching Process? A Macro-Evaluation Using Empirical Matching Functions” , German Economic Review, Vol. 10 (3), pp. 284-316.

Fahr, R. and Sunde, U.. (2009): "Gender Differentials in Skill Use and Skill Formation in the Aftermath of Vocational Training”, Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 16, pp. 885-889.

Fahr, R. and Irlenbusch, B. (2008): "Identifying Personality Traits to Enhance Trust between Organisations – An Experimental Approach“, Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 29, pp.469-487.

Fahr, R. and Sunde, U.. (2006): „Spatial Mobility and Competition for Jobs: Some Theory and Evidence for Western Germany”, Regional Science and Urban Economics Vol. 36, pp. 803-825.

Fahr, R. and Sunde, U.. (2006): „Regional Dependencies in Job Creation: An Efficiency Analysis for Western Germany”, Applied Economics, Vol. 38 (10), pp. 1193-1206.

Fahr, R. and Sunde, U.. (2005): "Job and vacancy competition in empirical matching functions”, Labour Economics, Vol. 12, pp. 773-780.

Fahr, R. (2005): „Loafing or Learning? – The Demand for Informal Education”, European Economic Review, Vol. 49 (1). pp. 75-98.

Fahr, R. and Sunde, U. (2004): „Occupational job creation: patterns and implications”, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 56 (3), pp. 407-436.

Fahr, R. and Clark, D. (2002): „Transferability, Mobility and Youth Training in Germany and Britain: A Simple Theoretical Analysis”, Applied Economics Quarterly (früher: Konjunkturpolitik), Vol. 48 (3-4), pp. 235-255.

Fahr, R. and Irlenbusch, B. (2000): „Fairness as a Constraint on Trust in Reciprocity - Earned Property Rights in a Reciprocal Exchange Experiment”, Economics Letters, Vol. 66, pp. 275-282.

Fahr, R. and Foit, D. (2015):"Kleine Unternehmen - kleine Verantwortung? Theorie und Praxis unternehmerischer Verantwortung im Mittelstand." Chapter 4.6.1 in: Becker, W. and Ulrich, P. (Hrsg): “BWL im Mittelstand- Grundlagen - Besonderheiten - Entwicklungen“. 1. Auflage, W. Kohlhammer-Verlag, Stuttgart.

Fahr, R. (2014): "Vom Wollen und Können ethischen Entscheidens", in: Theologie und Glaube 104, 260-269.

Fahr, R. and Wiebe, E. (2014): "Verantwortungsvolles Handeln in Unternehmen. Die Rolle von kognitiven Verzerrungen und Selbsttäuschung bei ethischen Entscheidungen", in Klaus von Stoch (Hrsg), Wirtschaftsethik interreligiös, Paderborn 2014, 137-166. (Link zur Vorversion)

Zimmermann, K.F., Bonin, H., Fahr, R. and  Hinte, H. (2007): „Immigration Policy and the Labor Market: The German Experience and Lessons for Europe.” Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Higuchi, Y. , Kodama, T. , Abe, M. , Hashimoto, M. , Schneider, H. and Fahr, R. (2005): „A Comparative Analysis of Job Entry Methods in Japan, the U.S. and Europe - Is Japan different from the U.S. and Europe?” Chapter 4 in: Y. Higuchi, T. Kodama and M. Abe (Hrsg.): “Economic Analysis of Labor Market Design: Enhancing the Job-Matching Function”, RIETI’s Economic Policy Analysis Series No. 14, Toyo Keizai Inc., Tokio, in Japanese.

Fahr, R. (2005): „Loafing or Learning? – The Demand for Informal Education” ,Kapitel 7 in: D. Hamermesh und G. Pfann (Hrsg.): “The Economics of Time Use”, Contributions to Economic Analysis, Band 271, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Fahr, R. (2003): „Occupational Mobility and Occupational Matching: Some Implications for Career Choice and Labor Market Policy”, – Verlag im Internet, Berlin, 2003, Dissertation, University of Bonn.

Zimmermann, K.F., Bauer, Th.K., Bonin, H., Fahr, R., Hinte, H. (2002):  „Arbeitskräftebedarf bei hoher Arbeitslosigkeit. Ein ökonomisches Zuwanderungskonzept für Deutschland.” Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

Fahr, R. (2001): „Gibt es eine Nachfrage nach produktiver Freizeit?” In: Ehling, M. und Merz, J. u. a.: Zeitbudget in Deutschland - Erfahrungsberichte der Wissenschaft, Statistischen Bundesamt, Reihe Spektrum der Bundesstatistik, Band. 17, Wiesbaden.

Djawadi, B.M. and Fahr, R. (2013): "The Impact of Tax Knowledge and Budget Spending Influence on Tax Compliance", IZA Diskussionspapier Nr. 7255

Hinerasky, C.  and Fahr, R. (2011): "When the Early Bird Catches the Worm: The Impact of Training in Retail", IZA Diskussionspapier Nr. 6037.

Fahr, R. and Friedrich, A. (2006): „Programmevaluation zur Ermittlung des Wertbeitrags betrieblicher Trainingsmaßnahmen”, University of Cologne.

Fahr, R. and Clark, D. (2002): „The Promise of Workplace Training for Non-College-Bound Youth: Theory and Evidence from German Apprenticeship”, CEP Discussion Paper No. 528, London School of Economics.