Bach­el­or's / Mas­ter's theses

We take part in the centralised allocation procedure for final theses. The procedure distributes the students who wish to write a thesis fairly among the professorships.

If you are interested in writing a thesis at our department, we will also provide you with general information as well as information on choosing and registering a topic.

Gen­er­al in­form­a­tion

The degree programmes at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics include a final thesis. The aim of the thesis is for the student to demonstrate that he or she has independently and autonomously worked through a problem in a subject area by applying scientific methods within a given time limit. Depending on the degree programme, you may have to write a Bachelor's, Master's or Diploma thesis.

To apply for a thesis, all you need to do is take part in the Faculty's centralised assignment procedure.

Parallel to your Bachelor's thesis at our department, you will receive all the important information and necessary basics for scientific work and writing in three attendance sessions. You can also have this recognised as an additional module (module"W2187 Research Seminar Corporate Governance"). The chair considers participation in the attendance dates to be an important basis for the success of your thesis. In order to facilitate the registration process, we will register all students who are writing their thesis with us at the same time for the module after the kick-off event. If you do not wish to take an examination, please let us know by the day of the kick-off event at the latest.

In the context of a Master's thesis at the chair, students are strongly recommended to attend all attendance dates of the module"W2187 Research Seminar Corporate Governance" (WITHOUT REGISTRATION and without examination performance); especially if you have not yet written a thesis at our chair.

Furthermore, you should note that due to the research focus of the chair, the literature is almost exclusively available in English. A good knowledge of English is recommended to successfully pass the course.

Choice of top­ic

Bachelor topic suggestions are made available for selection (after confirmation of supervision). You are also welcome to submit your own topic suggestions. These should be in line with the research interests of the chair's staff. If you would like to submit your own topic suggestions, an exposé (max. 2 pages) must be submitted with the application. The synopsis can contain one or more topic proposals. Possible questions, content and methodological aspects should be presented for each topic proposal.

For Master's theses, an independent topic proposal must be submitted. This should match the research interests of the chair's staff. An exposé (max. 2 pages) must be submitted with the application. The synopsis can contain one or more proposed topics. Possible questions, content and methodological aspects should be presented for each topic proposal.

Regardless of whether you have already discussed your own initial topics with a member of the chair, an application via the centralised allocation procedure is mandatory.

Once you have been accepted as a supervisor following the centralised allocation procedure, you must register your thesis. Registration takes place via a web-based application procedure in PAUL. As part of this procedure, you can register for a thesis online. The information required for admission is requested via the application form. You will also receive further information at the kick-off event. Bachelor's theses are registered with our department on a central date, which you will be informed of at the latest at the kick-off event. This is done by the chair. You will then receive official notification of the start date, processing period and title from the Examinations Office as confirmation. Master's theses are registered individually in consultation with the respective supervisor. The latest official registration deadline is the last day of the semester in which the thesis is to be written. If this deadline is exceeded without a valid reason, the confirmation of supervision will be cancelled. A new application must then be submitted. You will receive official notification of the start date, processing period and title from the Examinations Office as confirmation once you have registered.