
Our Chair of Corporate Governance offers a broad spectrum of teaching and deals with comprehensive mechanisms for ensuring good corporate governance. A basic understanding of the subject matter is conveyed in our chair's foundation courses. Building on this, differentiated economic issues are analysed in the in-depth courses, which focus on sustainability, business ethics or empirical management research.

Prof Dr Fahr offers the modules listed below. Detailed information is available by clicking on the respective module. The complete module handbook of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics can be found here. The learning materials for the individual courses can be found on the Paderborn University learning platform PANDA.

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you about the current lecture series "UPB for Future", which we are organising together with the Office of Educational Innovation and University Didactics in the winter semester 2023/24. Further information can be found here.

Teach­ing pro­gramme


Module number Module name Semester ECTS Language Contact person
M.184.2164 Fundamentals of Corporate Governance Summer term 10 DEU Marius Protte
M.184.2166 Sustainability: Sustainable management of scarce resources winter semester 5 DEU Sabrina Plaß
M.184.2169 Exploratory module Economics winter/summer term 2 DEU Alina Elrich
M.184.2179 Wrongdoing & Whistleblowing in Organisations winter/summer term 5 DEU Marius Protte
M.184.2185 Principles of Business Ethics (container module*) winter/summer term 5 DEU Alina Elrich
M.184.2186 Seminar on business ethics (container module*) winter/summer term 10 DEU Alina Elrich


* Please note the information on the container modules (see below).



Module number Module name Semester ECTS Module language Contact
M.184.4162 Seminar on Decision Making using Concepts from Behavioural Economics winter/summer term 5 ENG Dr Behnud Mir Djawadi
M.184.4164 Empirical Management Research winter term 10 DEU Dr Behnud Mir Djawadi
M.184.4168 Business Ethics summer semester 10 DEU Lena Epp
M.184.4169 Seminar on business and corporate ethics summer semester 5 DEU Alina Elrich
M.184.4188 Corporate responsibility and sustainability summer semester 5 DEU Sabrina Plaß; Lisa-Miriam Wester
M.184.4189 Seminar on experimental economic research summer semester 5 DEU Sabrina Schäfers
M.184.5122 Introduction to the theories of modern business administration summer semester 5 DEU Alina Elrich
M.184.5162 Interreligious perspectives on business ethics winter semester 5 DEU Alina Elrich
M.184.5166 Applied Economy for the Common Good (GWÖ) winter/summer term 5 DEU Sabrina Plaß
M.184.4122 Economics, ethics and thinking summer semester 10 DEU Alina Elrich
M.184.4185 Topics in business ethics (container module*) winter/summer term 5 DEU Alina Elrich
M.184.4186 Aspects of Business Ethics (container module*) winter/summer term 10 DEU Alina Elrich


* Please note the information on the container modules (see below).


Container modules

Various cooperation modules can be credited via the container modules. Lectures and seminars can be attended across faculties and interdisciplinary subjects. There is no direct link to enrolment via the PAUL system. The specific registration procedure for the individual cooperation modules can be found in the respective course description provided as a PDF document. After completing the examination, the completed course will be credited by the chair via the corresponding container module.

The following cooperation courses will be offered in the summer semester 2024


The following cooperation course will be offered in the winter semester 2023/2024


In addition, individual in-depth study achievements from the field of management can be brought in via the container modules. Please note that each container module can only be credited once during the course of your degree programme.


Busi­ness eth­ics

Bachelor modules in the cooperation area of business ethics


Master's modules in the cooperation area of business ethics


*For the crediting of cooperation modules with the Faculty of Theology:

There is no direct registration and administration via the PAUL system. If you are taking a module at the Faculty of Theology, you will be given a form for secondary enrolment at the introductory event, which must be completed and signed. The applications will be forwarded collectively to the Paderborn University Registrar's Office.


B.A. Management (two-subject area Bachelor)

How do you calculate the entrance fees for a festival, a reading or a visit to the theatre? What channels are used for the application of such events and what incentives can be used to attract as many people as possible to museums or exhibitions?

The management of cultural organisations and projects brings its own special features and challenges. With the mix of culture, society and business in the dual-subject Bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, you will be prepared to analyse problems from different perspectives and use methods and subject areas from two disciplines to develop and implement sustainable solutions.

You can freely combine the Management subject area with all other subjects involved. Are you interested in Media Studies or studying a foreign language in English, French or Spanish? Or rather history, art, music, fashion, education, theology or philosophy?

The subject area of management supplements your knowledge of cultural studies with basic business knowledge and management methods so that you can plan, calculate, apply for, organise and evaluate projects in the cultural sector.

As soon as you have acquired the basic knowledge in the first two semesters, we offer you the opportunity to take part in a variety of practical lectures, for example on business ethics or from corporate partners, with the "exploratory module". In this way, you will familiarise yourself with current economic developments and issues. An accompanying course will support you in preparing for and following up on the lectures.

You can find more information about the Management sub-degree programme here.


M.A. Management (dual-subject Master's programme)

As part of the two-subject Master's degree programme "Culture and Society", the Management sub-degree programme can be freely combined with another sub-degree programme in equal measure from the winter semester 2017/2018. The Management sub-degree programme offers the opportunity to acquire in-depth knowledge of business management within a cultural studies degree programme. In this context, ethical and fundamental orientations are taught and intertwined with methodological and theoretical knowledge of selected key areas of business administration and some of its related subject areas. Students can also choose between two specialisation options within the sub-degree programme: "Management and Philosophy" and "Management and Theologies in Dialogue".

The skills of ethically-reflective leadership and decision-making, evaluated and discussed in terms of guiding values, acquired in the Management sub-degree programme fulfil the professional requirements profile placed on university graduates in a knowledge society to a high degree. These core skills correspond to many professional fields, all in general management as overall company management, but also fields such as marketing, personnel and organisational management as well as governance tasks (e.g. ethics-oriented reporting, practical corporate philosophy, customer and social contact group management, etc.). In addition, the content of the degree programme is relevant to the field of modern media and business-orientated IT tasks. Cultural scientists and theologians who are employed in publishing houses, museums, cultural institutions, media institutions, associations, foundations and authorities are also increasingly required to perform management tasks, which are taught in combination with the Management sub-degree programme.

You can find more information about the Management sub-degree programme here.


Fur­ther courses

Lecture series

Module name Semester ECTS Language Contact person
UPB for Future - the sustainability lecture series winter semester 5* DEU Prof Dr René Fahr / Amanda Fiege

* Crediting is only possible under certain conditions, e.g. as part of the Studium Generale. More information can be found here under the "Participation" tab.


Additional modules

Module number Module name Semester ECTS Language Contact person
M.184.2187 Research Seminar Corporate Governance winter/summer term 5 DEU Marius Protte


Doctoral courses

Module number Module name Semester ECTS Language Contact person
M.184.6161 Experimental Economic Research winter semester 5 DEU Dr Behnud Mir Djawadi


Bach­el­or's and Mas­ter's theses

Here you will find information on advertised theses as well as the options for suggesting your own topic.

Learn more