Pro­ject group archive

SS 2023 und WS 2023/2024

SS 2020 and WS 2020/2021

  • Project group PhASIO - Input/Output for PhASAR (only available on the English pages)

SS 2019 and WS 2019/2020

  • Project Group CogniCrypt++ - Bringing Secure Cryptography to C/C++ Applications with PhASAR (only available on the English pages)
  • Project Group Delphi - Mining Software Ecosystems using Static Program Analysis (only available on the English pages)
  • Project Group Jimple Language Server (only available on the English pages)

SS 2018 and WS 2018/2019

  • Project group ABM - Automated Benchmark Management (only available on the English pages)

SS 2017 and WS 2017/2018

  • Project group SICS - Secure Integration of Cryptographic Software (only available on the English pages)

SS 2016 and WS 2016/2017

  • Project group VisuFlow - Visualising Data Flows in Static Code Analyses (only available on the English pages)