Pro­ject Group: Design it, De­vel­op it, De­ploy it (3DI)

Pro­ject Group

In this project group, students are tasked to build a next generation cybersecurity platform. This includes the designing, development, testing, documentation and deployment of the platform.

The created platform will be a web-application that allows teams to set up a common repository in which they develop a previously specified application, that utilizes cryptography. This application is automatically tested and benchmarked in order to rank the participating teams. Afterwards, teams get access to the applications developed by their opposing teams to find as many security breaks as possible. The found breaks will be automatically verified by the platform and deducted from the team's score that developed the vulnerable application. In the final phase, teams will fix the found vulnerabilities in order to regain some points. Again, the submitted fix will be verified by the platform. The final score determines the ranking of the participating teams.

To further improve the ranking of the participating teams, static analysis tools developed within our research group, that automatically scan the application's source code to find security vulnerabilities, will be integrated into the platform.

Con­tact in­form­a­tion:

Please use the following mail address to contact us: 


What to ex­pect

  • Lots of real world software development
  • Emphasis on testing and documentation
  • Exposure to state of the art web technologies
  • Bringing cutting edge research tools into practice
  • Learn about cyber security and static program analysis
  • Run like a start up


To attend the course, you have to register in the PAUL system as a participant.

Kick-Off Meet­ing

Date: 5th April
Time: 13:15 - 14:45
Location: F2.211 (HNI, second floor)