Of­fers for bach­el­or and mas­ter theses

Do you already have your own theme?

If you are studying at the University of Paderborn, we will be happy to discuss your own topic proposal with you. Please get in touch with the most suitable member of staff for this.

Unfortunately, we have often had bad experiences with topic suggestions from companies in the past, especially if they were not discussed with us in advance. The problem is that theses must always be based on the current state of the art, not on the state of the technology used in the respective company. Often, however, the tools or processes used in the company do not correspond to the state of the art, and the supposed problems have actually already been largely solved in science. We cannot accept topics of this quality as suggestions.

We therefore also ask companies that "offer" theses to contact us at an early stage before calling for proposals to ensure that the topic meets the necessary requirements.

Template for theses

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Finding a Thesis Topic

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Process for Writing a Thesis at the SSE workgroup

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