Fast in­teg­rated cir­cuits for wire­line com­mu­nic­a­tion

Event no:


Event type:

Lecture V2, Exercise Ü2

Credit points:


Time mode:

Winter term

Time and place:

For information on the venue and time of the event, please refer to PAUL

Brief description

In fibre optic communication, very high bit rates of over 100 Gb/s per optical channel and several Tb/s in an optical fibre are achieved in commercial systems today. Similarly, high bit rates of more than 10 Gb/s occur today in signal transmission between chips on a single package pin, which must be transmitted via printed circuit boards and low-cost serial cable connections. In the future, data rates will continue to rise steadily as CMOS technology and optical communication technology progress.

The design of electronic circuits for high bandwidths or bit rates requires a good understanding of the system with regard to the typical transmit/receive architectures, components and signal characteristics. In addition, a good understanding of the circuit design of integrated circuits and precise high-frequency modelling of passive and active components is necessary.

The aim of the lecture is to provide students with an understanding of the methodical design of fast integrated electronic circuits for digital wireline communication technology. Part of the exercises will be carried out as CAD exercises using modern chip design software.

As part of the lecture, a 2-day excursion to the IHP Leibniz Institute for Innovative Microelectronics (Frankfurt (Oder)) with a tour of a modern chip production facility is offered (participation is voluntary).

The lecture can be credited in the Master's programme Electrical Engineering in the study models Microelectronics, Optoelectronics and Communication Technology. The lecture can also be credited in the Master Electrical Systems Engineering, as a Compulsory Elective Course in the field of Electronics and Devices and in the Master Computer Engineering in the specialisation areas Embedded Systems and Nano-/Microelectronics.


  • Transmit/receive architectures for fibre optic communication
  • Transmit/receive architectures for chip-to-chip communication
  • System theoretical basics
  • Broadband signals in the time and frequency domain
  • Behaviour of band-limited linear systems
  • Signal degeneration (ISI, jitter, noise)
  • Semiconductor technologies and integrated RF components
  • Amplifier circuits for digital broadband signals
  • Logic circuits in current switch technology (CML)
  • Transmit/receive circuits
  • PLL technology for frequency synthesisers and clock recovery
  • Measurement methods


  • E. Säckinger, "Broadband Circuits for Optical Fibre Communication", Wiley, 2005
  • B. Razavi, "Design of Integrated Circuits for Optical Communications", McGraw-Hill, 2003