Next-generation nanoelectronics and nanophotonics

We research integrated digital, analog and photonic circuits and systems ("microchips").

Our doctoral students design microchips whose properties we measure electronically and optically in our laboratories. The research work is "fabless", i.e. we cooperate with world-leading chip manufacturers and academic partners to produce our chips. 

Electronic and photonic chips can be used for wireless and wireline communication, microprocessors, radar, lidar, metrology and quantum signal processing.

News from the specialist group


QuSi­nus wins second place at the Aachen Tech­no­logy and En­tre­pren­eur­ship Con­gress

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Har­shan Gowda Ma­lavalli Naga­raju re­ceives 3rd place in the 2024 Young Tal­ent Award

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2nd place for Dr Peter Her­ten­stein and QuSi­nus

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Re­search as­so­ci­ate Stephan Kruse at the "In­ter­na­tion­al Radar Sym­posi­um 2024"

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Kick-off meet­ing of the "LiR­aS" re­search pro­ject in Ber­lin

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LiR­aS: In­­nov­at­ive sensor tech­no­­logy for auto­mated driv­ing ap­plic­a­­tions

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Por­trait of a sci­ent­ist: Babak Sad­i­ye

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Pre­cise sig­nals for data trans­mis­sion

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Mey­sam Bah­mani­an suc­cess­fully com­pleted his doc­tor­ate with dis­tinc­tion (summa cum laude) on the sub­ject of "Op­to­elec­tron­ic Phase-Locked…

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Our Cir­cuit Tech­no­logy work­group con­tin­ues to grow

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First an­nu­al re­view of the MID4Auto­mot­ive re­search pro­ject

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Wis­senschaft­lich­er Mit­arbeit­er Stephan Kruse hält Vor­trag auf der "In­ter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Mi­crowaves for In­tel­li­gent Mo­bil­ity"

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Fach­gruppe Schal­tung­s­tech­nik wächst weit­er

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Dok­t­or­andenschule bei CEA-LETI in Gren­oble

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Cir­cuit tech­no­logy spe­cial­ist group re­ceives sup­port

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More news

„Research into novel nanophotonic-nanoelectronic circuits and systems will not only increase signal processing speed and enable new types of systems, but also significantly improve energy efficiency.”

Prof. Christoph Scheytt,
Head of the “Circuit Technology” department at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute at Paderborn University from Paderborn

Va­can­cies in the work­group

Research assistant (m/f/d)

Qualification position within the meaning of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (WissZeitVG) | Development of a dissertation topic in the field of tool automation and digital design of RISC-V-based microprocessors | Testing of reliable RISC-V-based microprocessors | Designing microprocessor architectures based on RISC-V

To the job advert

Student assistant (f/m/d) or research assistant with a Bachelor's degree (f/m/d)

Debugging, measurements and tests on electronic circuits in real-time applications | 9 hours (possibly also 19 hours) per week | Insight into interesting and current research topics and projects | Programming skills in Python / C++ / C

To the job advert

Student assistant (m/f/d) or Bachelor thesis

Coplanar to waveguide transition in the entire E-band | The aim of the work is to realize a direct transition between coplanar lines and waveguides | Literature research | Comparison of different architectures | Simulation and optimization of an architecture | Commissioning and tests | Solid knowledge of theoretical electrical engineering

To the job advert

Student assistant (m/f/d) or Bachelor thesis

The aim of the work is to develop a transportable communication system with visible light, which is able to transmit a video signal over several meters | literature research | analysis and evaluation of different hardware topologies | construction of a hardware | adaptation of a software in Gnuradio | commissioning and testing

To the job advert

Student assistant (m/f/d) or Master's thesis

Design and implementation of a parametric Josephson traveling wave amplifier for the generation of entangled quantum microwave beams | Literature research | Design of a JTWPA | Optimization of the JTWPA | Adaptation for fabrication

To the job advert

Student assistant (m/f/d) or Bachelor thesis

Construction of an optical bonding device | literature research | concept development | hardware construction | commissioning and testing | investigation of mechanical properties | basics of mechanics | experience with coupling optical signals into EPICs desirable but not required

To the job advert

Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (m/w/d)

Befristete Tätigkeit | Erarbeitung vom Stand der Technik im Bereich des photonischen Radars und der Integration von integrierten Schaltungen in einen spritzgegossenen Schaltungsträger | Simulation und Optimierung eines monolithisch integrierten photonischen Radars | Sehr gute Kenntnisse im Bereich der HF-Schaltungstechnik

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Team, pub­lic­a­tions, bach­el­or/mas­ter theses

Bach­el­or's and Mas­ter's theses


Re­search, teach­ing, pro­jects


We research the design of integrated digital, analogue and photonic systems. We are particularly interested in realising electronic-photonic integrated circuits (EPIC).

Research topics


We are intensively involved in the teaching and training of students and young academics such as doctoral candidates, post-doctoral candidates and junior professors with the aim of providing them with the skills they need to shape the future.



We can provide companies with significant impetus for innovation and for maintaining their competitiveness. There are many approaches to this. They range from the placement of graduates through collaborative projects to contract developments, which we generally carry out via our spin-offs.

Project overview

„Discovering the causes of phenomena, whether scientific or social, gives me great pleasure and I believe that I will never stop learning new things.”

Babak Sadiye,
Wissenschaftler der Fachgruppe "Schaltungstechnik" am Heinz Nixdorf Institut der Universität Paderborn from Paderborn

Mem­ber­ships and co­oper­a­tions


Institute for photonic quantum systems

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Meteracom is investigating MEtrology for TERAhertz COMunication.

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Center for Optoelectronics and Photonics Paderborn

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Transregional Collaborative Research Center

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Netzwerk für photonische Quantensysteme

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SPP 2111

DFG Priority Programme "Electronic-Photonic Integrated Systems for Ultrafast Signal Processing"

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SPP 2314

DFG Schwerpunktprogramm "INtegrated TERahErtz sySTems enabling novel functionality"

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Future-proof special processors and development platforms

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Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC2)

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