Pri­or­ity pro­jects

Interdisciplinary cooperation is of central importance for research at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute. We are convinced that we can contribute to interdisciplinary solutions to complex tasks - through the interaction of computer scientists, engineers and economists. Interdisciplinary research projects are therefore of particular importance to the Institute.

DFG Pri­or­ity Pro­gramme SP­P2111

In the priority programme "Integrated electronic-photonic systems for ultra-broadband signal processing" (SPP2111), 17 research groups from Germany are researching new electronic-photonic systems based on silicon photonics technology. The priority programme is coordinated by Professor Christoph Scheytt.

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Sus­tAIn­able Life-cycle of In­tel­li­gent So­cio-Tech­nic­al Sys­tems (SAIL) re­search net­work

Since August 2022, around 90 scientists from four research institutions have been investigating the sustainability of AI systems in the interdisciplinary research network SAIL. SAIL focuses on fields of application in industry and healthcare.

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DFG Pri­or­ity Pro­gramme SPP 2443

Technical systems are characterised by increasing interdisciplinarity and complexity. The demand for sustainability and a circular economy increases the complexity of engineering systems with mechanical structures. In these systems, sustainability is largely characterised by the use of materials and energy consumption.

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ERC pro­ject "Self-Op­tim­iz­ing Stat­ic Pro­gram Ana­lys­is"

The technology that Bodden wants to research in his ERC project "Self-Optimizing Static Program Analysis" in his specialist group is intended to provide a remedy through automation. This is because it enables users to perform analyses for any given application context.

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