Project applied programming

Brief de­scrip­tion

The aim is to programme a sequencer for a virtual drum kit. The individual components of the drum kit (drums and cymbals) are available as audio files (WAV files). They must be mixed together appropriately using a text file.

Lec­ture con­tents

The practical course in applied programming provides an introduction to the following topics:

  • Version management systems
  • Platform-independent development and creation of software
  • debugging

The Sequnezer consists of the following blocks which are implemented independently after a theoretical explanation:

  • Reading and saving WAV files
  • Process text files line by line
  • Normalise audio

Learn­ing out­comes & pro­fes­sion­al com­pet­ences

After attending the course, students will be able to

  • use a version management system,
  • create platform- and compiler-independent build environments with CMake,
  • use GNU GCC Flag in a meaningful way,
  • find programming errors in C/C++ projects using static source code analysis,
  • find programming errors across languages using dynamic machine code analysis,
  • perform debugging with GDB (breakpoints),
  • read and save WAV files,
  • process text files.

Students will be able to

  • Debug programme code,
  • carry out software projects with DVCS,
  • gain experience in programming (C++).

Meth­od­ic­al real­isa­tion

  • Lectures as slide presentations
  • Exercises and demonstrations on the computer
  • practical exercises with Git, CMake, GNU G++, KDevelop in which students independently programme a sequencer


  • Course for Bachelor students
  • ECTS: 2
  • Language: German
  • Semester: Summer and winter semester


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Jörg Ullmann

Communications Engineering / Heinz Nixdorf Institute


Write email +49 5251 60-3676



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