Innovation workshop

Gen­er­al in­form­a­tion

The innovation workshop is a project format in which a group of eight selected students work on a challenging innovation project for a company together with two experienced research assistants. The Strategic Product Planning cycle forms the methodological basis (Fig. 1). The team is made up of interdisciplinary members. The students should preferably come from industrial engineering, mechanical engineering or business informatics programmes. Other degree programmes are not excluded.

Close co-operation with the partner company is planned. Students are expected to have knowledge of strategic planning, creativity and team spirit as well as exceptional commitment. Students are also required to regularly present their interim results; the programme therefore includes intensive training in public speaking and presentation techniques. The project has already been successfully implemented with numerous companies.


The four main tasks shown in Figure 1 are processed:

  • Identifying potential: Anticipating developments in markets and technologies; recognising potential for success and options for action in the future.
  • Product identification: Identification of product and service ideas, concretisation of product ideas into requirements.
  • Product conceptualisation: Development of basic solutions (technical concept) for the product.
  • Business planning: Development of the business and product strategy as well as the business plan.

Marketing and technical aspects are thus treated equally.

The emphasis of the four task areas described and the selection of the methods to be used depend on the specific task of the company. At the beginning of the project, a work plan is developed in consultation with the company, which in particular sets out the milestones for steering committee meetings with company representatives.

Teas­er video:


The content-related objective is a well-founded conception of innovative product ideas, on the basis of which a company can decide on the development and marketing and the associated investments.

The didactic objective is the significant participation in a challenging innovation project, in the course of which students are taught the following skills:

  • Methodology of strategic product planning
  • project management
  • Speech and presentation techniques
  • Interdisciplinary teamwork under time pressure


Advanced or completed Bachelor's degree with above-average academic performance in a technical or business administration programme.

Initial experience in the field of strategic product planning, product conceptualisation and foresight would be desirable.

Or­gan­isa­tion­al mat­ters

Ap­plic­a­tion pro­ced­ure

  1. Written application by 01 September 2023 at the latest with cover letter, CV, high school diploma, bachelor's certificate or overview of grades and other relevant certificates
  2. Interviews (by individual arrangement)
  3. Preliminary decision on admission
  4. Final decision on admission
  5. Project start: 09 October 2023


Gausemeier, J.; Amshoff, B.; Dülme, C.; Kage, M.: Strategische Planung von Marktleistungen im Kontext Industrie 4.0. In: Gausemeier, J. (ed.): Foresight and Technology Planning. 10th Symposium on Foresight and Technology Planning, 20-21 November 2014, Berlin, HNI-Verlagsschriftenreihe, Vol. 334, Paderborn, 2014, pp. 5-36

Gausemeier, J.; Ebbesmeyer, P.; Kallmeyer, F.: Product Innovation. Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Vienna, 2001 Gausemeier, J.; Lindemann, U.; Schuh, G.: Planung der Produkte und Fertigungssysteme für die Märkte von morgen. VDMA Verlag, Frankfurt/Main, 2004

Gausemeier, J.; Plass, C.: Zukunftsorientierte Unternehmensgestaltung - Strategien, Geschäftsprozesse und IT-Systeme für die Produktion von morgen. Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, 2nd edition, 2014

Gausemeier, J.; Dumitrescu, R.; Echterfeld, J.; Pfänder, T.; Steffen, D.; Thielemann, F.: Innovationen für die Märkte von morgen - Strategische Planung von Produkten, Dienstleistungen und Geschäftsmodellen. Carl Hanser Publishing House, Munich, 2019

Con­tact per­son:

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Timm Fichtler

Advanced Systems Engineering / Heinz Nixdorf Institut

Team Lead Business Engineering | Data-Driven Product Management

Write email +49 5251 60-4513