„Today, digitalization and sustainability are considered the most important drivers of change for manufacturing companies. With Advanced Systems Engineering, we develop interdisciplinary solutions to master the challenges that arise in the best possible way.”

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roman Dumitrescu,
Head of the specialist group "Advanced Systems Engineering" at Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Paderborn University from Paderborn

Advanced Systems Engineering

Advanced systems engineering describes a new school of developing the intelligent technical systems of tomorrow.

Digitalisation is regarded as the outstanding driver of change today. It is creating fascinating potential benefits for industry, but digitalisation is also changing the market services of tomorrow and the way in which they are developed. More than ever, the overarching interplay of specialised disciplines such as electronics, IT and mechanical engineering is crucial. At the same time, the four main tasks of product development - strategic product planning, product development, service development and production system development - need to be closely coordinated and driven forward on a cross-disciplinary basis. Traditional development methods quickly reach their limits when developing the systems of tomorrow. More...

News from the workgroup


We con­grat­u­late Nad­ine Niewöh­ner on her doc­tor­ate

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We con­grat­u­late Daniel Eck­ertz on his doc­tor­ate

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Re­in­force­ment for our "Ad­vanced Sys­tems En­gin­eer­ing" work­group

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Par­ti­cip­a­tion in the IEEE In­ter­na­tion­al Sym­posi­um on Sys­tems En­gin­eer­ing from 16.10 -17.10.2024

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We con­­­grat­u­late Sergej Japs on his doc­t­or­ate

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We con­­­grat­u­late Chris­toph Pier­en­kem­per on his doc­t­or­ate

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From re­search pro­ject to start-up: AI mar­ket­­place op­­tim­ises pro­­duc­­tion pro­­cesses

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We con­grat­u­late Maurice Mey­er on his doc­tor­ate

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Sus­tain­ab­il­ity in the in­dustry: a look back at an in­spir­ing lec­ture

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Por­trait of a sci­ent­ist: Lisa Kirch­berg

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Call for Pa­pers ge­star­tet!

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Wir grat­ulier­en Carsten Wiech­er zu sein­er Pro­mo­tion

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We con­grat­u­late Jörg Hei­hoff-Schwede to his doc­tor­ate

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We con­grat­u­late Jan­nik Re­in­hold to his doc­tor­ate

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Our Ad­vanced Sys­tems En­gin­eer­ing spe­cial­ist group is get­ting re­in­force­ments

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More news

Our ser­vices

Our research is characterised by a high degree of practical orientation. We are happy to make our research results and expertise available to interested companies within the framework of collaborations. All our services are designed to create, together with you, a considerable added value for your company. Our topics revolve around innovation, development and design of products, services and systems as well as strategies, business models and corporate structures. Currently, we are focussing in particular on topics such as circular economy, data sharing, smart products & services and AI in engineering.

Lecture in the context of the initiative "Neue Mobilität Paderborn" (NeMo Paderborn).


Our bread and butter business. We usually work with you and other companies on innovative and risk-sensitive projects over a period of 3 years. In direct cooperation with you, the focus is on added value for the company, i.e. we work with you to solve a relevant business problem.

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In our consulting projects, we work together with you on relevant issues from your company. Having close links with the Fraunhofer IEM and UNITY AG, we can guarantee professional advice and project management to our clients.

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Do you need a new, innovative impulse? We also offer individual workshops and training courses on various topics. Usually, they consist of 1-2 day events that we can organise on site or online.

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People in the library of Paderborn University.

Fi­nal theses

Practical relevance is also very important to us in teaching. That is why we are happy to supervise theses on relevant topics in your company. We have extensive experience in balancing entrepreneurial added value and scientific rigor.

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“The team showed considerable commitment to our project, which involved strategic planning of the value proposition for advanced driver assistance systems. They developed a product roadmap, derived recommendations for action and gained significant insights into the competitive landscape.”


“Together, we developed and worked on pioneering projects on digitalization, digital business models and product management as well as location and product strategy. What was particularly impressive was the consistent focus on practice and the clear goal orientation, which contributed to the successful completion of complex projects.”

Kraft Maschinen­bau

“Thanks to the support of the Advanced Systems Engineering specialist group, we were able to significantly deepen our understanding of smart services. Their in-depth expertise and collaborative approach have made a significant contribution to generating valuable impetus for the further development of our digital services.”


Re­search top­ics

Our research focuses on the product development of intelligent technical systems. With advanced systems engineering, the department focusses on an interdisciplinary, technology-supported development approach that focuses on the entire innovation process - from strategic planning to market success.

Research topics

Re­search pro­jects

We can provide companies with significant impetus for innovation and for maintaining their competitiveness. There are many approaches to this. They range from the placement of graduates through collaborative projects to contract developments, which we generally carry out via our spin-offs.

Project overview

About us


Join the team

„My eternal questioning has led me down this path: How do all these machines work that we use every day, whether driving or in other everyday situations, and that seem to be a natural part of our lives?”

Lisa Irene Kirchberg,
Wissenschaftlerin der Fachgruppe "Advanced Systems Engineering" am Heinz Nixdorf Institut der Universität Paderborn

Job va­can­cies of the work­group

Stud. Hilfskraft (m/w/d): Forschungsprojekt GoProZero

Einarbeitung und Aufbereitung aktueller Themen im Kontext der Kreislaufwirtschaft in Produktentstehungssystemen | Planung und Durchführung von Workshops im industriellen Umfeld | Konzipierung von Methoden | Mitarbeit an Publikationen und Vorträgen | flexibler Arbeitsvertrag mit 9,5h bis 19h pro Woche

Zur Stellenanzeige

Student assistant (m/f/d): Project TuWas

Concretisation and development of various transfer formats, such as workshops, podcasts, webinars, etc. | Support in the implementation of transfer formats with companies | Development of new concepts and methods in the context of digitalisation and sustainability | 8.5 - 19 h per week | Flexible working hours

To the job advert

Student assistant (m/f/d): Project FastGate

Conducting research in the field of Digital Twin, HD-Map and AR/VR | Development of concepts, architectures and requirements Support in building and testing prototypes | Interesting, varied and challenging work in a team with high practical relevance | Employment contract from 8.5h to 19h per week with flexible working hours

To the job advert

Student assistant (m/f/d): Project Sustainable Lifecycle Engineering

Conducting research on the topic of sustainability in data-driven engineering | Conducting research on existing software tools & software systems | Gaining experience in the areas of "data-driven engineering" & "sustainability" | 8.5h-19h per week with flexible working hours

To the job advert

Student assistant (m/f/d): Corporate-Start-up-Cooperation (Venture Clienting)

Familiarization and processing of current topics in the context of the management of start-up cooperations with established companies | Participation in data collection and evaluation | Support in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of workshops with the partner companies | Employment contract between 9.5h and 19h per week

To the job advert

Student assistant (m/f/d): Advanced Systems Engineering (General)

Familiarization and processing of current topics in the context of Advanced System Engineering | Assistance in the preparation, implementation and follow-up of workshops, interviews and surveys | Literature research and procurement | Work contract between 9.5h and 19h per week

To the job advert

Stud. Assistant (m/f/d): Research project product.intelligence

familiarization and preparation of current topics in the context of data-driven product management | planning and implementation of workshops in an industrial environment | conception of methods | collaboration on publications and lectures | flexible employment contract with 9.5h to 19h per week

To the job advert



We are intensively involved in the teaching and training of students and young academics such as doctoral candidates, post-doctoral candidates and junior professors with the aim of providing them with the skills they need to shape the future.

Two people are looking at a 3D print.

Stu­dent pro­jects

If you are interested in writing a bachelor's or master's thesis, or a student research project, you can contact a member of the academic staff in our department directly. We will be happy to support you with your research and help you choose a suitable topic.

Student projects

Our eco­sys­tem

Fraunhofer IEM

In our ecosystem, we take on the role of basic research. The Fraunhofer IEM is characterized by applied research and it's OWL enables the transfer and implementation in practice. KOMMIT e.V. is our alumni association.

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it´s OWL

In our ecosystem, we take on the role of basic research. The Fraunhofer IEM is characterized by applied research and it's OWL enables the transfer and implementation in practice. KOMMIT e.V. is our alumni association.

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In our ecosystem, we take on the role of basic research. The Fraunhofer IEM is characterized by applied research and it's OWL enables the transfer and implementation in practice. KOMMIT e.V. is our alumni association.

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