Artificial Intelligence 4 Systems Engineering
In the scope of this project group, we will develop AI-based assistance systems to support engineers during the design and development of technical systems. To this end, we will analyze the product creation process with a focus on (Model-based) Systems Engineering, identify potentials for the utilization of Artificial Intelligence and develop prototypes for the most promising ideas. This project group will be based on the results of the prior project group AI4SE (no. 1) and be conducted in close collaboration with the research project AI marketplace. Examples for AI-based assistant systems are:

The touch-based editor is able to understand hand-drawn system models and translate them into formal models, which, for example, are used for as input for system analyses.

The MBSE (Model-based Systems Engineering) Knowledge Graph builds up a knowledge graph from given MBSE models and uses this graph to provide suggestions for the creation of new system models.

The virtual Systems Engineering expert is a chat-bot tailored towards Systems Engineering. It provides expert knowledge to the engineers and can handle engineering-specific requests.
See introduction slides (PDF[RB1])