
The growing dynamism of economic processes due to globalised competition is leading to increased competition and growing pressure to innovate. Essentially, it is about who is the first to recognise the customer's problem and inspire the customer with a tailor-made, innovative solution.

Stra­tegic plan­ning and in­nov­a­tion man­age­ment

Synergies in entrepreneurial competences, the product range and customer structures are optimally exploited when the business policy is aligned with a holistic entrepreneurial vision. We derive our mission and strategy from this vision.

Sys­tems en­gin­eer­ing and de­vel­op­ment man­age­ment

If you want to inspire the end customer with a product innovation, you need to find out how the product is used, the prevailing boundary conditions and the profile of the target buyer group based on application scenarios. These application scenarios are provided as input for product development.

Real­isa­tion and pro­duc­tion man­age­ment

At the same time, we ensure that production-related restrictions are taken into account at an early stage, e.g. production location and desired degree of automation.

Di­git­al and Vir­tu­al Product Cre­ation (DVPE)

The field of digital and virtual product creation plays the role of enabler in the product creation field of action. The modern technologies of virtual and augmented reality serve as an important tool for visualising and designing the modern, complex products of tomorrow.

Smart Auto­ma­tion Labor­at­ory

In the Smart Automation Laboratory, we put our vision of Industry 4.0 into practice. The laboratory is used directly for research and teaching in the fields of production and automation technology and indirectly for the application-oriented investigation of business processes.

Smart In­nov­a­tion Labor­at­ory

Das Smart Innovation Laboratory des Lehrstuhls für Produktentstehung bietet die Möglichkeit paralleler Studien unter Aufnahme von visuellen, akustischen und Interaktions-Beobachtungsdaten.


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Prof. Dr. Iris Gräßler

Produktentstehung / Heinz Nixdorf Institut


Write email +49 5251 60-6275