Teaching in the product development department

Student theses

Under the following link you will find the current calls for proposals for student theses in purely scientific and industrial disciplines: Bachelor's and Master's theses.

Over­view of the courses

The Chair of Product Creation offers the following courses in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes.

Course number Number of the course Abbreviation Cycle
BA - Industrial Production L.104.51111; L.104.51112 IP summer semester
BA - Development Methodology L.104.51211 EM winter semester
BA - Project Seminar - Innovation and Development Management L.104.51610 IEM SoSe/ WiSe
MA - Systems Engineering L.104.51270 SE winter term
MA - Product Creation 1 L.104.51210 PE 1 winter semester
MA - Product Creation 2 L.104.51230 PE 2 summer semester
MA - Digital Tools for Collaborative Product Creation L.104.51226 DVPE 1 winter term
MA - Virtual and Automated Product Creation L.104.51236 DVPE 2 summer semester
MA - Project Lab Digital Factory A & B L.104.51961 & L.104.962 DigiFab winter term
MA - Applied Production Engineering L.104.51480 APro summer semester
MA - Case Studies Wing L.104.51260 FSWing SoSe
MA - Technologies and business models of automotive mobility L.104.51280 TGaM winter semester


Trans­ition­al ar­range­ments in the con­text of reac­cred­it­a­tion

As part of the reaccreditation of the degree programmes at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, we have adapted and updated our teaching portfolio. New modules include "Product Creation" and "Digital and Virtual Product Creation".

As part of this, some courses have been restructured or discontinued. These include the courses "Strategic Production Management" and "Innovation and Development Management".

Retake examinations will continue to be offered. Please note that the content may change. All transitional regulations can be found in this table.