Cur­rent pro­jects

27 projects were found
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CREXDATA: Critical Action Planning over Extreme-Scale Data

Project visionCREXDATA's vision is to develop a data platform for real-time critical situation management. This should also enable flexible action planning and agile decision making on data of extreme size and complexity. Within CREXDATA, algorithms, software architectures, and tools are being developed for networked predictive analytics and ...

Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2025

Funded by: EU

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Jens Pottebaum

Vitamine 5G - Realitätsnahe Umgebung für Additive Fertigung, ermöglicht durch 5G

In the joint project, scientists from the Heinz Nixdorf Institute are working in a research consortium of university partners and IT partners on novel forms of interaction for controlling and monitoring manufacturing processes that are difficult to access by transferring them to virtual reality. The transmission of data is made possible for the ...

Duration: 07/2022 - 05/2024

Funded by: MWIKE NRW

SusAM - Sustainability of Additive Manufacturing

In the Sustainability of Additive Manufacturing research project, the Product Creation Group is conducting research into the sustainability of additive manufacturing processes together with industry partners from the Direct Manufacturing Research Center. The aim of the project is to identify ecological and economic data gaps and to evaluate the ...

Duration: 04/2022 - 10/2022

Funded by: Direct Manufacturing Research Center

3DSE / MB - Certification-compliant impact chain modeling for the automotive industry

Due to future technologies such as autonomous driving, automotive manufacturers in Germany are faced with the challenge of securing software updates and identifying negative effects on other subsystems and system components. The Chair of Product Development supports several large German automotive manufacturers in the certification-compliant ...

Duration: 01/2022 - 12/2024

Funded by: Industrie

LernCoBot - Digital Learning in Virtual Space space using the example of CoBots

Virtual reality (VR) not only offers new dimensions in gaming, but also creates new learning space at the University of Paderborn. In customizable VR training courses, students learn how to use cobots and AM systems.

Duration: 12/2021 - 12/2022

Funded by: Universität Paderborn

Paragon - Effective chain modeling of a drive in the interior area of motor vehicles

For technically sophisticated products, a large number of functional and non-functional requirements must be met. This applies in particular to the highly regulated automotive industry, which is characterized by complexity. The Product Development Group supports the automotive supplier paragon in the development of model-based functional chains for ...

Duration: 11/2021 - 02/2022

Funded by: Industrie

Glass - Online configurator for modular mixing system

How to get to a binding offer quickly despite the highest product diversity? The project, which started in November 2021, aims to create a digital infrastructure for the interface between customers and the company Glass GmbH & Co. KG.

Duration: 11/2021 - 12/2024

Funded by: Glass

Mittelstand Innovative & Digital: Modular mixing system for the food and chemical industry

The "Product Development" group has developed a modularization concept for Glass GmbH & Co. KG a modularization concept which enables a time- and cost-reduced configuration of mixing systems. As a result, sales representatives are able to make a targeted selection from 3,800 possible configurations for each customer, view them in a 3D model and ...

Duration: 08/2021 - 10/2022

Funded by: MWIKE NRW

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BIKINI - Bionics and AI for Sustainable Integration of Product Development for Resource-Efficient Lightweight Construction

To curb climate change, CO2 emissions must be reduced. One of the key technologies is lightweight design and the CO2 savings that can be achieved during the product use phase - especially in the area of mobility - through weight reduction. Within the framework of the BIKINI joint project funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and ...

Duration: 07/2021 - 06/2024

Funded by: BMWK

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ImPaKT - ICT-enabled model-based impact analysis in product development

The more complex and varied products become, the more time-consuming it is for companies to reliably analyze and evaluate the technical and financial effects of these changes. The challenges grow when many partners are involved in product development. Impact analyzes are intended to help companies identify possible consequences of product changes ...

Duration: 01/2021 - 12/2023

Funded by: BMBF

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Christian Oleff, Prof. Dr. Iris Gräßler