Strategic planning and innovation management

Synergies in entrepreneurial competences, the product range and customer structures are optimally exploited when the business policy is aligned with a holistic entrepreneurial vision. We derive our mission and strategy from our vision.
In order to anticipate possible directions of development in the business and social environment, the industry, the relevant key technologies and the competitive situation, we use methods such as scenario technology and develop these further. Taking future scenarios into account, we define search fields for product innovations. Promising product ideas meet sufficient customer demand at the time of market entry. In addition to the currently articulated customer needs, future implicit wishes of as yet untapped customer groups must therefore also be anticipated. Our understanding of the product encompasses the material core product including associated services.
Strategic planning is triggered by customer needs in existing markets (market pull), the creation of new markets (blue ocean strategy) and pioneering technologies (technology push). As part of strategic planning, we derive the mission and strategy from the corporate vision. On this basis, we define search fields for product innovations in innovation management and identify promising product ideas.
The aim of our research work in the field of strategic planning is to enable users to independently derive future scenarios. Digital business models are developed on this basis. Scenario technology is one of the tools we use to evaluate market and technology developments. We not only use this as a tool, but also develop it further. This improves the applicability of the method and the transparency of the results. Artificial intelligence and mathematical description also reduce the sources of error resulting from heuristics.
Our concept of innovation encompasses both material core products and services. In addition to designing and analysing innovation processes, we develop methods and metrics for generating promising product ideas for the digital transformation. This enables product innovations to be generated in line with the strategy within the previously defined search fields.
In combination with strategic planning tools, we create the basis for long-term success, even in volatile environments.