Stra­tegic co-op­er­a­tions

Joint research

The Heinz Nixdorf Institute cooperates closely with the Fraunhofer IEM and the it's OWL technology network. Together, the scientists carry out numerous projects at the interface between basic university research and applied research - on behalf of strong industrial partners or as part of publicly funded research projects.

Fraunhofer In­sti­tute for Mechat­ron­ics Design IEM

What will the engineering of the future look like? The Fraunhofer IEM is developing convincing solutions to this question. The focus is on intelligent products, production systems, services and software applications. The IEM works on new methods, tools and processes on an interdisciplinary basis and utilises innovative technologies.

To the Fraunhofer IEM

Tech­no­logy net­work it's OWL

In the technology network it's OWL - Intelligent Technical Systems OstWestfalenLippe, over 200 companies, research institutions and organisations are developing solutions for intelligent products and production processes. With the support of the state of NRW, projects totalling 100 million euros are being implemented.

About it's OWL