
Mi­crosoft Ex­change | Mail and Group­ware

Mail and groupware with Exchange

Every employee of the Heinz Nixdorf Institute receives a mailbox on the IMT's central Exchange server at . Their e-mails are then forwarded directly from the IMT to the Exchange server. The mailbox size is 2 GB.

The Exchange server also offers the option of storing calendars, addresses and e-mails for specific user or project groups, as well as the option of booking resources for meeting rooms, projectors, laboratory equipment or similar.


Cent­ral File Ser­vice of the Heinz Nix­dorf In­sti­tute

The central file servers of the Heinz Nixdorf Institute offer all users sufficient space to store the data they need for their work and studies. The data is backed up daily so that important files can be restored at any time in the event of data loss. To avoid a "single point of failure", a separate file server is set up for each larger group. On the one hand, this prevents all employees of the institute from being affected if a file server fails and, on the other hand, if a decentralised file server fails, its data can be made available at relatively short notice by one of the other file servers.

Data from the specialised groups, such as project data, should be stored in the respective group directories on the IMT's Isilon file server.

Furthermore, every user is free to store his personal data (home directory) not on the central file server of the Heinz Nixdorf Institute, but in his personal user directory on the Isilon file server of the IMT.


In­stall­a­tion of op­er­at­ing sys­tems on work­sta­tion and serv­er sys­tems

HNI Computer Operations provides the Heinz Nixdorf Institute with the installation of all common operating systems for servers and workstations. It does not matter whether it is real hardware or virtual machines. Various Linux and Windows operating systems are also provided.


Microsoft: Windows 10, Windows Server 2016
Linux: CentOS (6, 7), Debian (10 "buster"), Fedora (30)

In­teg­ra­tion in­to the HNI or uni­ver­sity net­work

HNI Computer Operations manages and maintains the network of the Heinz Nixdorf Institute. This concerns the pure network and the logical structure. HNI Network and Systems Administration provides each specialist group with its own subnet. All specialist group servers, workstation computers, printers and laboratory equipment can be integrated into this subnet. The HNI computer centre also provides a cross-institute logical structure, the domain This is where the Windows domain HNIRB, the web server and the email addresses <UserName>@hni.uni-paderborn run. All fixed workstation, pool and laboratory computers are members of this domain and are centrally supplied with security guidelines, updates and access rights.