How do I set up Outlook 2019 and 365?
Find out how to set up Outlook 2019 and Outlook 365 Cloud here.
What is the name of the HNI mail server?
Employees of the Heinz Nixdorf Institute work with the IMT's Exchange server. Information on configuring Outlook can be found on this website under the heading "How do I set up Outlook 20xx?". External access (home office, travelling, etc.) can be obtained via Online Web Access (OWA) at the following address by entering the domain "AD" and your user name ("AD\<username>"):
Students use the IMT mail service. The server via which the mails can be retrieved is called mail.uni-paderborn Both POP/S and IMAP/S protocols are available. Like the Exchange server, this mail service can be accessed online as follows:
Which user name and password do I need?
To retrieve and send e-mails via the IMT server (mail.uni-paderborn, an IMT login and the corresponding password are required. The HNI login is not valid for this.
For the Exchange server (, the domain "AD" and the user name must be specified as follows
Where can I find more information about the e-mail service?
Further information on the e-mail service can be found on the IMT website.
What is my e-mail address?
The e-mail address in the HNI is
or also
Alternatively, instead of the login, the form
can be chosen instead of the login.
How can I forward my e-mails to another address?
Students can set up forwarding in the IMT service portal under the menu item "Email settings / Email forwarding".
Employees receive their emails via the Exchange server and cannot set up forwarding.