Welcome to the Heinz Nixdorf Institute

We are an interdisciplinary research institute. Our research specialises in intelligent technical systems.
We design concepts for intelligent technical systems that are adaptable, robust, user-friendly and act with foresight. This requires new approaches, methods and techniques, which we deliver.

6.7 mio. euros in third-party funding
Funds raised from research and industry projects in 2023
Date: January 2024
21 spin-offs
Successful company spin-offs since the institute was founded
Date: January 2024
241 degree thesis
Successful Bachelor's, Master's and student research projects in 2023
Date: January 2024
2 ERC Grants
Der Europäische Forschungsrat (ERC) fördert herausragende Forschende mit ihren Teams in allen Phasen der akademischen Karriere in 5 verschiedenen Förderlinien (Grants).
Date: April 2024
2 DFG-Schwerpunkt-Programme
Sie untersuchen wissenschaftliche Grundlagen aktueller Forschungsgebiete, sind stark interdisziplinär ausgerichtet und zeichnen sich durch den Einsatz innovativer Methoden aus.
Date: April 2024

Va­can­cies for re­search as­sist­ants

Research assistant (f/m/d)| Secure Software Engineering

Research in the context of the ERC Project “SOSA” | Contributing to teaching 4h/week) | Dissemination and transfer of research results | Master in computer science, mathematics, o.s. | Flexible work arrangement with up to three days per week of mobile work | Solid knowledge of written and spoken German

To the job advert

Research assistant (m/f/d): Technology Acceptance | Behavioral Economic Engineering

Successfully completed business or business-related university degree (Master's degree)| Salary group 13 TV-L| Independent management of the content and organizational implementation of the university's project work| Communication with project partners| Temporary for the duration of the doctoral procedure

To the job advert

Post-Doc Employee (f/m/d) | Secure Software Engineering

Completed doctorate in the fields of software engineering, programming languages or IT security | Collaboration with doctoral students with regard to their doctorate | Further development of own research and teaching| Collaboration in the design and formulation of scientific funding applications| 3-year fixed-term contract | Pay grade 14 TV-L

To the job advert

Laboratory Engineer (f/m/d) for Information Systems | Product Development

IT support for users as well as administration of networks and the IT backend with interface to IT service units of UPB | Programming of software demonstrators/research prototypes | Experience in the independent commissioning of IT systems and maintaining operational capability| University degree

To the job advert

Research assistant (f/m/d) | Product development

Area of responsibility is the field of systems engineering and development management for mechatronic and cyber-physical systems| doctoral procedure in the field of mechanical engineering |above-average scientific degree in mechanical engineering or similar |working on an industrial project for modeling active chains in vehicle development

To the job advert

Research Assistant (f/m/d) | Secure Software Engineering

Collaboration in research and teaching (usually 4 SWS) in the field of Secure Software Engineering | Collaboration in externally funded research projects of the department | Implementation of courses of the department | Pay group 13 TV-L | 3-year fixed-term contract

To the job advert

Research Assistant (f/m/d) | Control engineering and mechatronics

Developing new concepts for the use of Car2X communication and autonomous vehicles for resource-efficient driving functions and traffic control systems | Testing in the real-world laboratory | Identification of starting points for further research work | Teaching commitment of usually 2 SWS | Pay grade 13 TV-L

To the job advert

Research Assistant (f/m/d) | System and Circuit Technology

Temporary position | Development of the state of the art in the field of photonic radar and the integration of integrated circuits in an injection-moulded circuit carrier | Simulation and optimisation of a monolithically integrated photonic radar | Very good knowledge in the field of RF circuit technology

To the job advert

Research Assistant (f/m/d) | Behavioural Economic Engineering/Responsible Management

Sustainability transformation | Knowledge of the needs and structures of companies and organisations | Control, management and communication skills | Pay grade 13 TV-L | 3-year fixed-term contract

To the job advert

Post-doc employee (f/m/d) | Secure Software Engineering

Collaboration with doctoral students with regard to their doctorate | Further development of own research and teaching as well as that of the department with a teaching obligation of usually 4 SWS | Collaboration in the design and formulation of scientific funding applications | 3-year fixed-term contract | Pay grade 14 TV-L

To the job advert

Expert in artificial intelligence (f/m/d) | Advanced Systems Engineering

Collaboration with doctoral students with regard to their doctorate | AI processes for use in model-based systems engineering model-based systems engineering | Presenting research results at national and international events events |Collaboration in the design and formulation of scientific funding applications | 3-year fixed-term contract

To the job advert

Data ecosystem expert (f/m/d) | Advanced Systems Engineering

Research and industry projects in the context of data ecosystems | Methods and tools for the interdisciplinary planning and conceptualisation of data ecosystems | Project-related collaboration in teaching (usually 4 SWS) | Pay grade 13 TV-L | 3-year fixed-term contract

To the job advert

Research Assistant (f/m/d): Embedded Software Developer | System and Circuit Technology

Collaboration in the "RadiOptics" project team | Programming of microcontrollers | Integration of firmware modules and their testing in the overall system | Research and development of new functions and components for the control of innovative devices in the field of measurement technology | Temporary

To the job advert

Research Assistant (f/m/d) | System and Circuit Technology

Qualification position within the meaning of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (WissZeitVG) | Development of a dissertation topic in the field of tool automation and digital design of RISC-V-based microprocessors | Testing of reliable RISC-V-based microprocessors | Designing microprocessor architectures based on RISC-V

To the job advert



New EDGE 6D driv­ing sim­u­lat­or as part of the DiSer­Hub pro­ject

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Prof Dr Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo joins the Ex­ec­ut­ive Board of the Heinz Nix­dorf In­sti­tute with im­me­di­ate ef­fect

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QuSi­nus wins second place at the Aachen Tech­no­logy and En­tre­pren­eur­ship Con­gress

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Har­shan Gowda Ma­lavalli Naga­raju re­ceives 3rd place in the 2024 Young Tal­ent Award

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2nd place for Dr Peter Her­ten­stein and QuSi­nus

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Re­search as­so­ci­ate Stephan Kruse at the "In­ter­na­tion­al Radar Sym­posi­um 2024"

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"THINGS THAT THINK" - Thinking ahead to the future

The technical systems of tomorrow will be able to adapt independently to changing operating and environmental conditions. These systems will have to consist of a large number of interconnected, complex subsystems that only fulfil the required overall functionality through their interaction. We want to use the symbiosis of computer science and engineering to create innovative technical systems that generate benefits and open up prospects for growth and employment. We pursue our goals in close cooperation with industry and at the forefront of research, embedded in international, national and intra-university research networks.

Research ­infra­structure

Our scientists have access to an extensive technical infrastructure at our institute. This supports them in carrying out studies and tests as well as in projects with industrial partners. We thus support all researchers in achieving meaningful research results quickly and competently.

Focus ­projects

Interdisciplinary collaboration is central to our research. We are convinced that we can contribute to solutions for complex tasks - through the interaction of computer scientists, engineers and economists. Interdisciplinary research projects are therefore of great importance to the institute.

Stra­tegic co-op­er­a­tions

We cooperate closely with the Fraunhofer IEM and the it's OWL technology network. Together, the scientists carry out numerous projects at the interface between basic university research and applied research - on behalf of strong industrial partners or as part of publicly funded research projects.


16.09.2024 - 20.09.2024

In­ter­na­tion­al Sym­posi­um on Soft­ware Test­ing and Ana­lys­is (IS­STA)

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25.09.2024 - 26.09.2024

heise devSec 2024

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27.10.2024 - 31.10.2024

Soft­ware En­gin­eer­ing Re­search Meth­ods Train­ing 2024

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05.12.2024 - 06.12.2024

18th Sym­posi­um for Foresight and Tech­no­logy Plan­ning

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More events

Scientific funding

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Industrial cooperations

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Publishing series

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Our Work­groups

Ad­vanced Sys­tems En­gin­eer­ing

Today, digitalisation is one of the most important drivers of change for manufacturing companies. With Advanced Systems Engineering, we develop interdisciplinary solutions to master the challenges that arise in the best possible way. Our specialisms are divided into the fields of business engineering and systems engineering.

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Be­ha­vi­our­al Eco­nom­ic En­gin­eer­ing and Re­spons­ible Man­age­ment

The success of an organisation depends largely on how employees behave in the face of constant change. Taking psychological and behavioural economic concepts into account, we examine human decision-making behaviour in various situations and develop incentive systems to change behaviour on this basis.

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Com­mu­nic­a­tions en­gin­eer­ing

Once a favourite subject of science fiction films, we are now used to communicating with machines via spoken input. We are researching methods to make the automatic speech recognition required for this more reliable, energy-efficient and flexible.

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Product de­vel­op­ment

With systematic strategy development, we consistently orientate manufacturing companies towards the circular economy of the future. Material and information circularity are at the centre of sustainable product-service systems. We combine a wide range of specialist disciplines with development methodological approaches - such as systems engineering.

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Con­trol en­gin­eer­ing and mechat­ron­ics

Model-based design is an essential technology in the design of mechatronic systems. The specification of actuators and sensors, control synthesis and much more are based on models. The integration of modelling and simulation is therefore of crucial importance in the development of intelligent mechatronic products.

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Sys­tem and Cir­cuit Tech­no­logy

Modern nano- and microelectronics make it possible to combine complex circuits and innovative components on a single chip. We are researching a new generation of extremely energy-efficient intelligent systems in which microchips communicate at high speed and recognise their environment through sensors with the highest accuracy.

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Se­cure Soft­ware En­gin­eer­ing

Software-intensive, highly networked systems already determine our everyday lives today. By taking a holistic approach to secure software and system design, we endeavour to design these systems in such a way that they can withstand current and future types of hacker attacks by design.

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As­so­ci­ated spe­cial­ist group: Ap­plied Eth­ics - Tech­no­logy Eth­ics

Since the 19th century, technical and scientific developments have become a defining factor of modern culture. A philosophy and ethics of technology analyses technical visions, human-technology relations and socio-technical transformations as well as the normative and epistemic challenges of these developments.

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8 BMBF projects
Research projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Date: January 2024
14 DFG projects
Research projects funded by the German Research Foundation
Date: January 2024
6 BMWK projects
Research projects funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection
Date: January 2024
2 DFG priority programs
Management of supra-regional research programs, funded by the German Research Foundation
Date: January 2024

Vor­trag­s­reihe "HNI For­um": Ak­tuelle Forschung­sthe­men

"From Epistemic to Pragmatic Opacity"

Prof. Dr. Andreas Kaminski

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"Verantwortung für KI-Systeme" - Pragmatische Opazität aus technikethischer Sicht

Jun.- Prof. Dr. Suzana Alpsancar

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Die Rolle von Feedback für die menschlichen Entscheidungen in einem CPS

Prof. Dr. René Fahr

Vortrag ansehen

Digitale Nudges

Prof. Dr. Kirsten Thommes

Vortrag ansehen

Maschinelles Lernen: Über Daten, Wissen und Ecorithmen

Prof. Dr. Eyke Hüllermeier

Vortrag ansehen

Instandhaltungsgerechte Produktentstehung: Additive Manufacturing als Game Changer?

Dr.-Ing. Jens Pottebaum

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Produktentstehung und DFM: Herausforderungen und erfolgreiche Ansätze aus der Praxis

Kersten T. Janik

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Was macht aus einem Unternehmen ein Enterprise 2.0 und kann man das dann messen?

Prof. Wolfgang Prinz

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Ko-aktive Wissensarbeit im Kontext von Enterprise 2.0 und Industrie 4.0

Dipl.-Inform. Felix Winkelnkemper

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Überhöhung der stofflichen Natur: Von toter Materie zu smart materials, von der mechanischen zur ...

Prof. Dr. Alfred Nordmann

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Allgemeinheit, Form, Modellierung

Prof. Dr. Elena Ficara

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Predicting the outcome of strategic behavior - Computation and Approximation

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Skopalik

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Economic Engineering - Neue Herausforderungen für den Entwurf von Algorithmen

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Müller

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Zuverlässigkeitsaspekte in drahtlosen Systemen

Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Kraemer

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Neue Ansätze in der Nano-/Mikroelektronik

Prof. Dr.-Ing. C. Scheytt

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„Study what interests you most in the most undisciplined, unconventional and original way possible.”

M.Sc. Felix Schröder,
Scientist from der Fachgruppe "Behavioral Economic Engineering and Responsible Management"

Entry op­por­tun­it­ies

We are intensively involved in teaching and training students and young scientists with the aim of providing you with the skills you need to shape the future.

During your studies, you will gain your first experience in research and industry as a student assistant or in student research projects and theses. After your studies, we will give you the opportunity to do a doctorate alongside interesting, independent project work, giving you an excellent start to your career in a wide range of fields in industry.

Find out more about career opportunities at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute

Heinz Nix­dorf Sym­posi­um

Das Heinz Nixdorf Symposium ist eine etablierte, alle zwei Jahre stattfindende Veranstaltung des Heinz Nixdorf Instituts, bei der Forscher und Praktiker zusammenkommen, um Herausforderungen aus der Industrie zu präsentieren, Beiträge aus Forschungseinrichtungen zu diskutieren und neue Lösungen zu entwickeln. Das Heinz Nixdorf Institut ist seit 1987 ein Forschungszentrum innerhalb der Universität Paderborn. Seine Forschung orientiert sich an dem Programm "Dynamik, Mobilität, Integration: Auf dem Weg zu den technischen Systemen von morgen". In der Lehre ist das Heinz Nixdorf Institut an vielen Studiengängen der Universität Paderborn beteiligt. Heute arbeiten neun Professoren und 150 Wissenschaftler am Heinz Nixdorf Institut.