Welcome to the Heinz Nixdorf Institute
We are an interdisciplinary research institute. Our research specialises in intelligent technical systems.
We design concepts for intelligent technical systems that are adaptable, robust, user-friendly and act with foresight. This requires new approaches, methods and techniques, which we deliver.
"THINGS THAT THINK" - Thinking ahead to the future
The technical systems of tomorrow will be able to adapt independently to changing operating and environmental conditions. These systems will have to consist of a large number of interconnected, complex subsystems that only fulfil the required overall functionality through their interaction. We want to use the symbiosis of computer science and engineering to create innovative technical systems that generate benefits and open up prospects for growth and employment. We pursue our goals in close cooperation with industry and at the forefront of research, embedded in international, national and intra-university research networks.
Our Workgroups
Entry opportunities
We are intensively involved in teaching and training students and young scientists with the aim of providing you with the skills you need to shape the future.
During your studies, you will gain your first experience in research and industry as a student assistant or in student research projects and theses. After your studies, we will give you the opportunity to do a doctorate alongside interesting, independent project work, giving you an excellent start to your career in a wide range of fields in industry.
Find out more about career opportunities at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute
Heinz Nixdorf Symposium
Das Heinz Nixdorf Symposium ist eine etablierte, alle zwei Jahre stattfindende Veranstaltung des Heinz Nixdorf Instituts, bei der Forscher und Praktiker zusammenkommen, um Herausforderungen aus der Industrie zu präsentieren, Beiträge aus Forschungseinrichtungen zu diskutieren und neue Lösungen zu entwickeln. Das Heinz Nixdorf Institut ist seit 1987 ein Forschungszentrum innerhalb der Universität Paderborn. Seine Forschung orientiert sich an dem Programm "Dynamik, Mobilität, Integration: Auf dem Weg zu den technischen Systemen von morgen". In der Lehre ist das Heinz Nixdorf Institut an vielen Studiengängen der Universität Paderborn beteiligt. Heute arbeiten neun Professoren und 150 Wissenschaftler am Heinz Nixdorf Institut.