Sci­ent­ists from our Se­cure Soft­ware En­gin­eer­ing group present at TACAS 2024

 |  Heinz Nixdorf InstituteSecure Software Engineering / Heinz Nixdorf Institut

Scientists from our Secure Software Engineering workgroup will be attending the TACAS conference in Luxembourg from 8-10 April. (30th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems). Kadiray Karakaya, Stefan Schott, Jonas Klauke & Markus Schmidt will be presenting a paper on "SootUp: A Redesign of the Soot Static Analysis Framework" alongside the group leader Professor Eric Bodden. The successor to the popular Soot framework SootUp will be presented here. It is a new implementation of Soot that utilises modern software engineering techniques. The presentation is based on the results of the DFG project "FutureSoot" (Future-proofing the Soot Framework for Programme Analysis and Transformation).

You can find out more about TACAS 2024 here