We con­grat­u­late Daniel Preuß to his doc­tor­ate!

 |  Produktentstehung / Heinz Nixdorf Institut

Gaining a time advantage with AI-supported requirements development – Daniel Preuß shows how it works in his dissertation! During his time at the "Product Creation" workgroup he developed a “methodology for the automated extraction, formalisation and handling of changes to technical requirements” in the BMBF project ARCA and the BMWK project BIKINI, among others. Congratulations on the successful doctoral examination! The first congratulations were reserved for the doctoral committee: Prof. Iris Gräßler, Prof. Klaus-D. Thoben (second assessor), Prof. Iryna Mozgova (examination chair) and Dr. Jens Pottebaum!

Prof. Iryna Mozgova, Prof. Klaus-D. Thoben, Dr. Daniel Preuß, Prof. Iris Gräßler, Dr. Jens Pottebaum