We con­­­grat­u­late Chris­toph Pier­en­kem­per on his doc­t­or­ate

 |  Heinz Nixdorf InstituteAdvanced Systems Engineering / Heinz Nixdorf Institut

Christoph Pierenkemper successfully completed his doctorate on the topic of „Systematik zur Entwicklung Leistungsstufen-basierter Industrie 4.0-Strategien" under the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roman Dumitrescu. Congratulations to him!


Digitization is omnipresent today and is leading to fundamental change in society and industry. In the industrial environment, the associated changes are summarized under the buzzword Industry 4.0 (I4.0 for short). They are reflected in technical as well as organizational and social changes. Companies are forced to face this change, to shape it and to use it advantageously for their future business. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular, the "digital transformation" is becoming a mammoth task due to limited resources. They are faced with the question of how to efficiently plan and execute this task in the sense of evolutionary change. In particular, the formulation of a target vision and the development of time-phased, targeted measures to achieve the target position are major challenges.

The aim of this work is therefore to develop a system for the performance level-based development of I4.0 strategies. For this reason, an I4.0 vision is formulated first. An identified maturity model is used to determine the current performance of the underlying company in the context of I4.0. Methods of foresight are then used to anticipate future developments in digitization. Medium- and long-term target positions in the maturity model can be derived. In order to achieve the target positions, an I4.0 strategy is formulated that allows a step-by-step implementation of I4.0 in the company.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Tröster, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reiner Anderl, Dr.-Ing. Christoph Pierenkemper, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Gausemeier, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roman Dumitrescu