Suc­cess­ful re­view meet­ing: im­port­ant mile­stone in the CREXDATA pro­ject

 |  Heinz Nixdorf InstituteProduktentstehung / Heinz Nixdorf Institut

With the completion of the first half of the CREXDATA project the virtual review meeting with the European Commission and two outstanding experts as reviewers took place on September 26, 2024. The team from the Chair of Product Creation reported on the developments and evaluation activities in the extreme weather emergencies use case. Furthermore, initial results of the business model creation, such as the broad-based exploitation of the technologies engineered in CREXDATA and the exploitation plans of the individual partner institutions, were presented. The successful execution of the midterm review meeting means that this milestone has been reached and the course has been set for a successful second half of the project.

Learn more about the project here.