The IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU) Workshop took place in Taipei, Taiwan, from December 16-20, 2023, see The biennial workshop is organized by the Speech and Language Technical Committee of the IEEE. The local organizers this time were the Academia Sinica, the National Tsing-Hua University and the Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing. Prof. Häb-Umbach (Communications Engineering Group) had been invited by the organizers to give an invited talk. He gave a presentation entitled "Multi-Talker Meeting Transcription" to around 300 participants, in which he provided an overview of the current state of research into the transcription of conversational situations. He presented methods for signal enhancement, for adding metadata about which speaker said what and, of course, for transcribing what was said. In particular, he also discussed the ongoing work on this topic in his own department.