Sci­entif­ic fund­ing

The majority of our research projects are funded by public funding organisations.

Our cur­rent DFG pro­jects:

18 projects were found
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FOR 2863: MEtrology for TERAhertz COMmunication (Meteracom)

For the advance of THz communication systems, the capability to perform precise measurements is crucial. Metrology at THz frequencies is however still in its infancy and as of today it only covers detector calibration for characterization of ultrafast devices and measurement uncertainty analysis of different spectrometer types available at THz ...

Duration: 01/2019 - 12/2024

Funded by: DFG

SPP 2111 - Ultra-Wideband Photonically Assisted Analog-to-Digital Converters (PACE) - Phase 2

Silicon-based analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), which operate at sampling rates in the double-digit GSa/s range, are state of the art today. Although these converters now operate at unprecedented sampling rates, the effective number of bits (ENOB) and analog bandwidth are improving only slowly. A major obstacle to further improvements in ...

Duration: 08/2018 - 03/2025

Funded by: DFG

Contact: Maxim Weizel, M.Sc.

SPP 2111 - PONyDAC II - Precise Optical Nyquist Pulse Synthesizer DAC

Fast digital-to-analog converters (DAC) are indispensable components for modern signal processing systems. Bandwidth and effective number of bits (ENOB) are important metrics for the performance of DACs. At the same time, those parameters constitute a trade-off in the design of a DAC: The more broadband the DAC, the less typically the ENOB. This is ...

Duration: 07/2018 - 03/2025

Funded by: DFG

Contact: Tobias Schwabe, M.Sc.

Our cur­rent BMBF pro­jects:

12 projects were found
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Scale4Edge: Scalable infrastructure for edge computing

Scale4Edge is a joint project funded by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research), which aims to significantly reduce the currently relatively long development times and high development costs of application-specific edge components (platform concept). The approach pursued in the project is based on providing a commercial ecosystem for ...

Duration: 05/2020 - 12/2025

Funded by: BMBF

Contact: apl. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Müller

Data-driven methods in control engineering

The goal of the junior research group "Data-Driven Methods in Control Engineering" is to explore the synergetic combination of model- and data-driven methods for control engineering tasks. For this purpose, model-driven methods are combined with machine learning to obtain hybrid methods and to achieve the highest possible performance in control ...

Duration: 01/2020 - 12/2024

Funded by: BMBF

RISC-V QEMU Implementations

Die Fachgruppe Schaltungstechnik war 2017 initial in Kooperation mit SiFive und TI der Co-Maintainer der ersten RISC-V-Implementierung innerhalb des QEMU CPU-Emulators. QEMU ist ein quelloffener CPU-Emulator, der eine Vielzahl von Befehlssatzarchitekturen zur Ausführung von kompilierter Software unterstützt. Die Fachgruppe kann auf umfangreiche ...

Duration: 08/2017 - 12/2024

Funded by: BMBF

Contact: apl. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Müller

Our cur­rent BM­WK pro­jects:

3 projects were found
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RadiOptics - EXIST Business Start-up Grant: RadiOptics

The goal of the RadiOptics project is to commercialize the next generation of microwave signal generators using a mode-locked laser (MLL). MLLs can generate a low-noise optical reference clock which have better precision in time unit measurement by orders of magnitude. The optical pulses of MLLs, however, cannot simply be used in a conventional ...

Duration: 06/2023 - 11/2024

Funded by: EU, BMWK, ESF

Contact: Dr Peter Hertenstein

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TuWAs - Transformation hub for forming value chains in the powertrain

As a result of decisive factors such as the mobility revolution, the sustainability movement, advancing digitalization and dynamic changes in the working landscape, players in the automotive industry are facing drastic transformation processes. The transition to electromobility in particular poses fundamental challenges for suppliers of forming ...

Duration: 11/2022 - 06/2025

Funded by: BMWK

Contact: Dr. Christian Koldewey

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Transformation hub for improved, more sustainable use of automobiles through digital services and digital business models

Um die zukünftige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der deutschen Automobilindustrie geht es in dem im September 2022 gestarteten Forschungsprojekt „DiSerHub“. Mit einem nachhaltigen Transformationskonzept sowie gezieltem Wissenstransfer innerhalb eines digitalen Hubs wollen fünf Projektpartner dieses Ziel erreichen und haben sich dazu in einem bundesweit ...

Duration: 08/2022 - 06/2025

Funded by: BMWK

Contact: Dr. Christoph Weskamp, M.Sc. Christopher Lüke, M.Sc. Tobias Hardes

Our cur­rent MKW.NRW pro­jects:

3 projects were found
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SAIL: SustAInable Life-cycle of Intelligent Socio-Technical Systems

Current systems that incorporate AI technology mainly target the introduction phase, where a core component is training and adaptation of AI models based on given example data. SAIL’s focus on the full life-cycle moves the current emphasis towards sustainable long-term development in real life. The joint project SAIL addresses both basic research ...

Duration: 08/2022 - 07/2026

Funded by: MKW NRW

PhoQC: Photonic Quantum Computing

Photonic Quantum Computing (PhoQC): The aim is to research the fundamentals for the realization of photonic quantum computers. For this purpose, an internationally leading research center is to be created at the University of Paderborn in perspective, in which the fields of physics, mathematics, engineering sciences, computer science and electrical ...

Duration: 11/2021 - 12/2024

Funded by: MKW NRW, EIN Quantum NRW

Explainable Feature Importance: Interpretable machine learning through game theoretic analysis of influence variables and interaction effects

Machine learning (ML) methods support the search for patterns in data and relationships between variables, e.g. in complex bio-medical systems. In this way, they can provide new insights and improve decisions in fields of action such as medical diagnostics. In addition to the quality of the models learned from the data, the trust of human experts ...

Duration: 01/2021 - 12/2024

Funded by: MKW NRW

Our cur­rent MWIKE.NRW pro­jects:

4 projects were found

FastGate - Autonomy on the airport apron

The aviation industry faces a challenging task in light of the pressing need for decarbonization. With increasing awareness of the impact of aviation on the environment, it has become imperative to find innovative solutions to reduce CO2 emissions and minimize noise levels. One of the key challenges lies in optimizing overall flight operations, ...

Duration: 06/2022 - 05/2025

Funded by: MWIKE NRW

Our cur­rent pro­jects of the Karl Vossloh Found­a­tion:

Traffic Control for MixedAutonomy Systems

Automated driving in combination with Car2X communication opens up promising possibilities for future traffic systems. The cooperative use of shared real-time information enables a significant increase in the efficiency of today's traffic infra¬structure. With this goal in mind, the project aims to use new technologies from the field of traffic ...

Duration: 01/2021 - 12/2024

Funded by: Karl-Vossloh-Stiftung