Advertised Bachelor's / Master's theses
If you are interested in writing a bachelor's, student research project or master's thesis, students can contact a member of academic staff in our department directly. We are happy to support you with your research and help you choose a suitable topic. Simply contact one of our research assistants to arrange an appointment and discuss your ideas and visions.
We have drawn up a guideline for the design of Bachelor's, student research projects and Master's theses. These and a template for Word can be downloaded here.
- Guidelinesfor the design of academic papers
Version 31 January 2020, PDF, approx. 4 MB
- Collection of examples German for professionals
Status 30 April 2019, PDF, approx. 600 kB
- Template forbachelor's, student research projects and master's theses
Version 24 January 2020, zip, approx. 1 MB