Foresight with the scen­ario tech­nique

Current success does not necessarily offer security for the future. In order to be prepared for future developments and take on a pioneering role in the market, it is essential to recognize both the potential for success and the risks of the future. Surveying customers only helps to a very limited extent, as experience has shown that they can provide little information about their future challenges or their solutions. With the scenario technique, we offer you the right tool for visionary foresight of developments in markets, technologies and business environments.

Join us in arming yourself for the challenges of the future - in a transparent, structured and future-proof way!


Cus­tom­ised solu­­tions for your suc­­cess


Designing your customised scenario project

Based on your specific questions and objectives, we determine the appropriate cooperation format - from a scenario impulse to a holistic scenario project. Suitable research and workshop methods are then selected in order to organise the joint collaboration effectively and purposefully and to manage different expectations and stakeholders.

Your benefits:

  • Clearly defined objectives and future questions
  • Customised design of the scenario project
  • Transparency about the procedure and expected results

→ Receive an optimally configured scenario project for your future issue!


Successful realisation of the scenario project

Together, we identify the most important factors that will influence the future development of the selected object of consideration. With the help of established scenario software and modern AI tools, these are linked and future scenarios are derived from them. These are enriched with your expertise and detailed in order to prepare possible future developments and their impact on your company for various stakeholders.

Your benefits:

  • Determination of consistent, alternative future scenarios for your ecosystem
  • Support of the process through tried-and-tested software and AI
  • Focus on content-related discussions about the future through professional workshop moderation

→ Address future prospects for your business systematically, comprehensively and comprehensibly!


Analysing the scenarios

The future scenarios identified are systematically analysed with regard to their impact in order to derive potential for success as well as threats to your business in the future. From this, recommendations for action and specific strategic directions are determined. The specific preparation of the scenarios and strategies for various stakeholders enables well-founded decision-making, which can result in new market requirements, products or business models.

Your benefits:

  • Utilisation of success potential and prevention of risks to shape the business of tomorrow
  • Valid basis for strategic decision-making
  • Future-proof design of your future business strategy

→ Use the scenarios effectively for your strategy and innovation work!

Con­tact per­son: