Job va­can­cies of the work­group

The Advanced Systems Engineering department offers you a wide range of career opportunities in a future-orientated environment. The focus here is on the development of intelligent technical systems, which is largely driven by digitalisation. The work­group combines expertise in electronics, computer science and mechanical engineering to tackle the complex challenges of tomorrow's product development. Anyone who wants to take part in interdisciplinary projects and actively shape the technological future will find exciting positions here that promote personal and professional development.

Job va­can­­cies for re­search as­sist­ants

Information Systems Engineer (w/m/d)

Forschungs- und Industrieprojekte im Kontext von Data Ecosystems | Entwicklung von Qualifizierungs-, Konzipierungs- und Umsetzungsformaten zu Data Ecosystems | projektbezogene Mitarbeit in der Lehre (i.d.R. 4 SWS) | Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L | befristet bis 31. März 2026 wegen Drittmittelfinanzierung

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Expert for data ecosystems (f/m/d)

Research and industry projects in the context of data ecosystems | Methods and tools for the interdisciplinary planning and conceptualisation of data ecosystems | Project-related collaboration in teaching (usually 4 SWS) | Pay grade 13 TV-L | 3-year fixed-term contract

To the job advert

Innovation Manager (f/m/d)

Development of basic research-oriented development of basic frameworks, methods and concepts in research projects | support of well-known clients in industrial projects | project-related collaboration in teaching (usually 4 SWS) | remuneration group 13 TV-L | initially limited to 1 year

To the job advert

Job va­can­­cies for stu­dent as­sist­ants

Project TuWas (m/f/d)

Concretisation and development of various transfer formats, such as workshops, podcasts, webinars, etc. | Support in the implementation of transfer formats with companies | Development of new concepts and methods in the context of digitalisation and sustainability | 8.5 - 19 h per week | Flexible working hours

To the job advert

Project „URANOS-X“ (Technik) (m/f/d)

Conducting research on technical components, architectures, etc. | Participation in the development of a demonstrator (architecture conception, programming, etc.) | Interesting, varied and challenging work in a team with a high team with high practical relevance |8.5h to 19h per week with flexible working hours

To the job advert

Project „URANOS-X“ (Business) (m/f/d)

Conducting research on business models for GAIA-X | Designing methods and workshops for shaping the business around GAIA-X | Interesting, varied and challenging work in a team with high practical relevance | Employment contract for 8.5 to 19 hours per week with flexible working hours

To the job advert

Project FastGate (m/f/d)

Conducting research in the field of Digital Twin, HD-Map and AR/VR | Development of concepts, architectures and requirements Support in building and testing prototypes | Interesting, varied and challenging work in a team with high practical relevance | Employment contract from 8.5h to 19h per week with flexible working hours

To the job advert

Project Sustainable Lifecycle Engineering (m/f/d)

Conducting research on the topic of sustainability in data-driven engineering | Conducting research on existing software tools & software systems | Gaining experience in the areas of "data-driven engineering" & "sustainability" | 8.5h-19h per week with flexible working hours

To the job advert

Corporate-Start-up-Cooperation (Venture Clienting) (m/f/d)

Familiarization and processing of current topics in the context of the management of start-up cooperations with established companies | Participation in data collection and evaluation | Support in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of workshops with the partner companies | Employment contract between 9.5h and 19h per week

To the job advert

Advanced Systems Engineering (General) (m/f/d)

Familiarization and processing of current topics in the context of Advanced System Engineering | Assistance in the preparation, implementation and follow-up of workshops, interviews and surveys | Literature research and procurement | Work contract between 9.5h and 19h per week

To the job advert

Research project product.intelligence (m/f/d)

familiarization and preparation of current topics in the context of data-driven product management | planning and implementation of workshops in an industrial environment | conception of methods | collaboration on publications and lectures | flexible employment contract with 9.5h to 19h per week

To the job advert
