Current projects
SPP 2111 - PONyDAC II - Precise Optical Nyquist Pulse Synthesizer DAC
Fast digital-to-analog converters (DAC) are indispensable components for modern signal processing systems. Bandwidth and effective number of bits (ENOB) are important metrics for the performance of DACs. At the same time, those parameters constitute a trade-off in the design of a DAC: The more broadband the DAC, the less typically the ENOB. This is ...
Duration: 07/2018 - 03/2025
Funded by: DFG
Contact: Tobias Schwabe, M.Sc.
SPP 2111: Electronic-Photonic Integrated Systems for Ultrafast Signal Processing
The Priority Programme “Electronic-Photonic Integrated Systems for Ultrafast Signal Processing” (SPP 2111) is a recently installed programme in the emerging field of integrated electronic-photonic systems using novel nanophotonic/nanoelectronic semiconductor technologies. The programme is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and ...
Duration: 01/2018 - 12/2025
Funded by: DFG
Contact: Christian Kress, M.Sc.
Transregional Collaborative Research Center TRR 142 - Tailored Nonlinear Photonics: From Fundamental Concepts to Functional Structures
The central goal of this CRC is the exploration, development, and engineering of future nonlinear photonics, which uses state-of-the-art technological capabilities for the exploration of new physics and devices based on tailored strong nonlinearities and genuine quantum effects. Our research harnesses tailored solid-state systems and bridges the ...
Duration: 04/2014 - 12/2025
Funded by: DFG