Digital Tools for Strategic Planning (DOORSTEP)


Within strategic product planning, there are several main tasks, such as determination of potentials, product discovering or business planning. Behind these tasks, in turn, are various subtasks, such as foresight and generation planning. The project DizRuPt can be located there. Here an instrument for the data-driven product planning is developed, which e.g. includes methods for hypothesis, data inventory and data analysis. But further-reaching topics such as the identification of trends and technologies or business forecasts in the context of foresight and business planning are conceivable. The aim of the project group is to identify and specify potential tools that support these tasks. Subsequently, a promising concept should be implemented. Assistants, documentation tools, games etc. are conceivable. In addition to an appealing UI, e. g. AI, Data Mining techniques and mobile technologies could be used.

Lear­ning Out­co­me

  • Methods of (data-driven) Product Planning
  • Project Management
  • Software Specification and Programming
  • Presentation and Team Work