Welcome to the Department of Communications Engineering

Welcome to the website of the Department of Communications Engineering at Paderborn University. We would like to invite you to find out a little about us and our work.

Machine learning methods, and in particular deep neural networks, have led to drastic improvements in many fields of technology. We complement these data-driven methods with model-based approaches to statistical signal processing in order to solve a wide range of speech and audio signal processing tasks in an innovative way.

„Thinking is an overused term for computers. The systems learn from annotated training data. For example, the software is fed with images that a person defines as either representing a cat or not. The programme then learns to classify new images correctly.”

Prof. Reinhold Häb-Umbach,
Head of the "Communications Engineering" workgroup at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute at Paderborn University

News from the workgroup


"Com­mu­nic­a­tions En­gin­eer­ing" work­group at EU­SIPCO 2024

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Re­in­hold Häb-Um­bach at In­ter­speech 2024

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Por­trait of a sci­ent­ist: Chris­toph Böd­deker

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IEEE AS­RU 2023: In­vited lec­ture by Prof. Häb-Um­bach

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Split­ting, un­der­stand­ing and ma­nip­u­lat­ing the hu­man voice

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HNI For­um: Speech Re­cog­ni­tion and Ma­chine Listen­ing: Re­cent Trends and De­vel­op­ments

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More news

Team, pub­lic­a­tions, bach­el­or/mas­ter theses


Bach­el­or's and Mas­ter's theses

Re­search, teach­ing, pro­jects


We are researching methods to make automatic speech recognition more reliable, energy-efficient and flexible. We are broadening our view to future scenarios in which multiple recording devices are available in a distributed environment and other acoustic signals are analysed to improve the user experience.

Research topics


We are intensively involved in the teaching and training of students and young academics such as doctoral candidates, post-doctoral candidates and junior professors with the aim of providing them with the skills they need to shape the future.



We can provide companies with significant impetus for innovation and for maintaining their competitiveness.

Project overview