As­si­gnment & Exer­ci­se Sche­du­le


There will be 6 assignments published in PANDA. One is due every second week. You are asked to hand in your solutions through PANDA. More details can be found in the exercise slides.

You can achieve an additional bonus point for the exam if you achieve at least 70% of all possible points.

Assignments can be submitted by groups of 1-3 students.

Exer­ci­se ses­si­ons

There will be an exercise session every 2 weeks. Note that the schedule on PAUL has entries for each week, however, this is not the case.

The exercise sessions will introduce each newly released assignment sheet and discuss the results of the previous assignment sheet. Additionally, each of the BiBiFi phases will be introduced.

Exercise session 1: 09:15 - 10:45 in  F 2 211

Exercise session 2: 14:15 - 15:45 in  F 1 110

Exer­ci­se sche­du­le

Exercise Date BiBiFi Content
1 11.04.22 Introduction to Contest & Build It
2 25.04.22  
3 09.05.22  
4 23.06.22 Introduction to Break-It
5 13.06.22  
----- End of 4CP-Course -----
6 27.06.22 Introduction to Fix-It
7 11.07.22