Design, control and optimisation of intelligent mechatronic systems

Model-based design is an essential technology in the design of mechatronic systems. Both the specification of components such as actuators and sensors as well as control synthesis and system testing are based on models. The integration of modelling and simulation is therefore of crucial importance in the development of intelligent mechatronic products.

Va­can­cies in the work­group

Research assistant (f/m/d) for the Control Engineering and Mechatronics workgroup

Developing new concepts for the use of Car2X communication and autonomous vehicles for resource-efficient driving functions and traffic control systems | Testing in the real laboratory | Identification of starting points for further research work | Teaching obligation of usually 2 SWS | Pay grade 13 TV-L

To the job advert

SHK activity (m/f/d) "Development and construction of innovative mechatronic straightening systems"

Support in the development of mechatronic systems in the field of production technology | Construction and commissioning of prototype systems | Implementation of functional tests on the test bench | Support in test evaluation and further development of the system control

To the job advert

SHK activity (m/f/d) "Development of a property-driven flow-forming process"

student assistant to support the project in modelling the process | support in test evaluation & further development of the system control | flexible working hours | practical relevance

To the job advert

SHK/WHB activity (m/f/d) "Tutor for courses"

Tutor for courses "Control Engineering" & "Fundamentals of Mechatronics and System technology"| Supporting students in solving tasks | Preparing the tasks dealt with preparation of the tasks | organisation of tutorials | participation in weekly meetings weekly meeting | if necessary, revision of revision of exercise content | limited to lecture period

To the job advert

„The development of intelligent technical systems is characterized by constantly increasing complexity and a high level of interdisciplinary cooperation.”

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ansgar Trächtler,
Head of the "Control Engineering and Mechatronics" workgroup at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute at Paderborn University from Paderborn

News from the specialist group

06.11.2024 - 07.11.2024

Mo­bil­ity sym­posi­um on the top­ic of "Mo­bil­ity in rur­al areas"

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We con­grat­u­late Mi­chael Hesse on his doc­tor­ate

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We con­­­grat­u­late An­nika Junker on her doc­t­or­ate

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We con­grat­u­late Ri­carda-Sam­antha Götte on her doc­tor­ate

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New EDGE 6D driv­ing sim­u­lat­or as part of the DiSer­Hub pro­ject

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We con­grat­u­late Kev­in Malena on his doc­tor­ate

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Por­trait of a sci­ent­ist: Nik­las Fit­tkau

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"Con­trol En­gin­eer­ing and Mechat­ron­ics" work­group rep­res­en­ted at the 94th "GAMM An­nu­al Meet­ing 2024"

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Sci­ent­ist por­trait

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Con­trol en­gin­eer­ing and mechat­ron­ics spe­cial­ist group con­tin­ues to grow

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Sci­ent­ists from our Con­trol En­gin­eer­ing and Mechat­ron­ics Group rep­res­en­ted at MECC 2023 in Nevada

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More news

Team, pub­lic­a­tions, bach­el­or/mas­ter theses


Bach­el­or/Mas­ter theses

Re­search, teach­ing, pro­jects


In control design, we deal with the control of non-linear coupled multi-variable systems, with optimal controls, model predictive controls and methods for observer design; the fields of application include driver assistance systems, robotics and intelligent machines.

Research topics


We are intensively involved in teaching and training students and young academics such as doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers and junior professors with the aim of providing them with the skills they need to shape the future.



We can provide companies with significant impetus for innovation and for maintaining their competitiveness. There are many approaches to this. They range from the placement of graduates through collaborative projects to contract developments, which we generally carry out via our spin-offs.

Project overview

„How does a tractor manage to pull several tonnes with ease? How do even more tonnes stay in the sky at a height of several kilometres? These were the questions I asked myself. At the time, I didn't know that control engineering combined exactly the things that really interested me about machines.”

Michael Hesse,
Scientists from the "Control Engineering and Mechatronics" workgroup from Paderborn

Föllinger con­trol tech­no­logy

This textbook, founded by Otto Föllinger, was first published in 1972 and has become a standard work on control engineering. It achieves its aim of familiarising the reader with the conceptual system and methodology of control engineering and its application through its systematic structure, good readability and practical relevance. No emphasis is placed on mathematical rigour, but rather on ensuring that the motivation behind the concepts and procedures is clear, that the conclusions can be easily understood and remain as descriptive as possible. Numerous realistic examples confirm the efficiency of the theoretical methods.