
Das Oberseminar "Secure Software Engineering" ist hochschulöffentlich.

Es findet jeden zweiten Mittwoch von 16 - 17 Uhr statt.

Um einen Termin zu buchen, senden Sie bitte die folgende Antwort per E-Mail mindestens eine Woche vor dem gewünschten Termin an Kadiray Karakaya:

1. Titel Ihres Vortrags

2. Zusammenfassung Ihres Vortrags

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4. Der Name des Betreuer der Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit

5. Der Name des Erst- und Zweitgutachters bei Abschlussvorträgen

Date Title Referent Type Location Language Comment
06.03.2024, 16:00 Leveraging Large Language Models for Automated Classification of Code Cells in Jupyter Notebooks Containing Python Code for Machine Learning Akshita Dubey Master's Proposal In person, F1.110 English

Supervisor: Ashwin Prasad

13.03.2024, 16:00 Tailoring Code Property Graphs to Jimple Michael Youkeim Bachelor's Defense In person, F1.110 English

Supervisor: Stefan Schott,

1st Examiner: Eric Bodden

2nd Examiner: Juraj Somorovsky

13.03.2024, 16:30 Analyse der Veränderung der Fixes von CVE-Schwachstellen in Java Open-Source Software Damian Finke Bachelor's Defense In person, F1.110 German

Supervisor: Stefan Schott,

1st Examiner: Eric Bodden

2nd Examiner: Juraj Somorovsky

20.03.2024, 16:00 SootUp: A Redesign of the Soot Static Analysis Framework Kadiray Karakaya Mock Presentation In person, F1.110 English To be presented at TACAS
In Progress Aakash Chaturvedi Master Proposal In person, F1.110 English

Supervisor: Stefan Schott, Ashwin Prasad

1st Examiner: Eric Bodden

2nd Examiner: Yasemin Acar

27.03.2024, 16:00 Symbol-Specific Sparsification
of Interprocedural Distributive Environment Problems
Kadiray Karakaya Mock Presentation In person, F1.110 English To be presented at ICSE
27.03.2024, 16:30 Benchmarking Large Language Models for Vulnerability Detection Vaibhav Chaudhari Master Proposal In person, F1.110 English Supervisor:  Ashwin Prasad,
Oshando Johnson
10.04.2024, 16:00 Classification of Data Science based Jupyter Notebook Cells using Large Language Models, Deep Learning and Static Analysis Suvansh Chawla Master Thesis Defense In person, F1.110 English

Supervisor:  Ashwin Prasad

1st Examiner: Eric Bodden

2nd Examiner: Stefan Dziwok

10.04.2024, 16:30 Toward an Android Static Analysis Approach for Data Protection Mugdha Khedkar Mock Presentation In person, F1.110 English To be presented at ICSE
Leveraging Body Interceptors and Evaluating Performance Impact on Client Analyses Sahil Agichani Master Thesis
In person, F1.110 English

Supervisor: Stefan Schott,
Kadiray Karakaya

Empirical Evaluation of Java Instrumentation Frameworks for Call graph generation Rashmi Gupta Master Thesis In person, F1.110 English

Supervisor: Jonas Klauke

1st Examiner: Eric Bodden

2nd Examiner: Juraj Somorovsky

08.05.2024, 16:30 Empirical Evaluation of Call Graph Precision’s Impact on the Scalability

Palaniappan Muthuraman

Master Thesis Defense In person, F1.110 English

Supervisor: Kadiray Karakaya

1st Examiner: Eric Bodden

2nd Examiner: Juraj Somorovsky

16.05.2024, 16:00 A Benchmark Generator for Static Call Graph Analysis Jan-Philipp Hampe Master Thesis Defense In person, F1.110 English

Supervisor: Jonas Klauke

1st Examiner: Eric Bodden

2nd Examiner: Juraj Somorovsky

TBA Stefan Topic Presentation Stefan Schott Research Topic Talk In person, F1.110 English  
TBA Hybrid Reachabilty-Based Vulnerability Assessment and Debloating of Open Source Dependencies1 Jonas Klauke Research Topic Talk In person, F1.110 English  

Die Spalte Type gibt Auskunft über die Art des Vortrages.

  • Masterarbeit (M),
  • Antrittsvortrag für eine Masterarbeit (AM)
  • Bachelorarbeit (B),
  • Antrittsvortrag für eine Bachelorarbeit (AB)
  • Dissertation (Diss),
  • Zwischenbericht über die Dissertation (ZDiss),
  • Projektgruppenbericht (PG),
  • Zwischenbericht der Projektgruppe (ZPG)
  • Eingeladenen Vortrag (EV)
  • Sonstiges (S)

handelt. Zwischenberichte sind meist kürzer angelegt und sollen die Thematik und evtl. erste Lösungsideen vorstellen.


1 Research findings indicate the prevalence of unused or partially utilized open source dependencies in applications. To tackle this issue, a reachability-based approach is employed, utilizing both static and dynamic call graph generation to identify reachable vulnerable methods while eliminating unreachable ones. The presentation will discuss the challenges, progress, and planned solution for a hybrid reachability-based vulnerability assessment and attack surface reduction in open source dependencies.